Best of the Week pseudogroup - Week #6 (shots uploaded from July 23rd to July 29th 2007) - WINNER: Jochen

Results of August Edition: www.ipernity.com/blog/robertoballerini/22581


Results of week #6: www.ipernity.com/blog/robertoballerini/19878

Results of week #5: www.ipernity.com/blog/robertoballerini/18479

Results of week #4: www.ipernity.com/blog/robertoballerini/18120

Results of week #3: www.ipernity.com/blog/robertoballerini/17161

Results of week #2: www.ipernity.com/blog/robertoballerini/16656

Results of week #1: www.ipernity.com/blog/robertoballerini/15534


I was so in love with the Best of de la semaine group on the other site, the I want to repeat it here.

Everyone of us can post (starting from) each sunday her/his preferred between her/his shot uploaded the preceding week. Preferred doesn't mean most viewed not most faved nor most commented.

At the end of the week we start posting for the next week and voting for the previous. Example: sunday 1st of July we start posting the shots of the week 25/Jun to 1/Jul and vote the shots of the week 18/Jun to 24/Jun.

Let's have fun!

Post in LARGE size, number the shots and tag "Ipernity Best of Week #6".



J'aimais tellement le groupe Best of de la semaine de Fl***r, que je veux le repeter ici.

Tout le monde (à partir de) chaque dimanche peut poster (taille moyenne) la photo qui préfère de sa galerie postée pendant la semaine ecoulée. (Pas necessaire que ce soit la plus votée ou la plus vue).

A' la fin de la semaine on commence voter et poster pour la semaine suivante. Example: dimanche 1er Juillet on commence voter pour les photos de la semaine #1 (18-24 Juin) et on commence poster pour la semaine #2 (25 Juin - 1er Juillet).


Poster taille LARGE, numéroter et mettre le tag "Ipernity Best of Week #6"



Jeweils ab Sonntag kann hier jede(r) eine Woche lang sein/ihr eigenes, in der vergangenen Woche hochgeladenes Lieblingsfoto vorstellen. Es muss nicht das meistgesehene, -kommentierte oder bestbewertete sein.

Am Ende der Woche beginnen wir mit dem Vorstellen der neuen Fotos und bewerten die der letzten Woche. Zum Beispiel also am Sonntag, den 1. Juli das Lieblingsfoto der Woche vom 25. Juni - 1.Juli hier eintragen und eine Wertung für ein Foto der Woche vom 18. Juni bis 24.Juni abgeben.
Die Bilder bitte fortlaufend nummerieren, in mittlerer Größe (LARGE size) eintragen und mit dem Tag "Ipernity Best of Week #6" versehen.

Viel Spaß.



Me gustaba tanto el grupo Best of de la semaine en el otro sitio, que he pensado en repetirlo aqui

Todo el mundo a partir de cada domingo puede postear la foto que prefiera de su propio stream que haya sido subida la semana precedente. la preferida no tiene porque ser necesariamente la más vista o votada o comentada.

Al final de la semana se comienza a votar el concurso de la semana precedente y a postear para la sucesiva. Por ejemplo: del primero de Julio votaremos por las fotos del 18 al 24 de Junio y postearemos las mejores del 25 de Junio al 1 de Julio.

Buen divertimento.

Postead en tamaño LARGE, numerad y añadir la etiqueta "Ipernity Best of Week #6"



Mi piaceva così tanto il gruppo Best of de la semaine dall'altra parte, che ho pensato di ripeterlo qui.

Ognuno può postare (a partire dal)la domenica la foto che preferisce del proprio stream postata la settimana precedente. La preferita non è necessariamente quella più vista o votata o commentata.

Alla fine della settimana si comincia a votare per il concorso della settimana precedente e a postare per la successiva. Per esempio: dal primo luglio voteremo per le foto del 18-24 giugno e posteremo le migliori del 25 giugno - 1° luglio.

Buon divertimento.

Postate in dimensione LARGE, numerate ed aggiungete il tag "Ipernity Best of Week #6"


Roberto Ballerini -… said:

"Ready for the puppets IV" by Roberto Ballerini // HAL9000 [?]
Ready for the puppets IV by Roberto Ballerini // HAL9000

Coming from a blog (?)
17 years ago

Roberto Ballerini -… said:

For those of you using Firefox and interested in an easier way to post shots, you can download my Ipernity Easy Photo Post Greasemonkey script here: www.consulentionline.org/Ipernity-Easy-Photo-Post.html
17 years ago

Roberto Ballerini -… said:

Yes. All postings are regular.
This time (mid-August), voting will be open for two weeks and no new contest will be open.
At the end of August I hope we'll have a real group to use for this friendly contest.
Anyway we'll make a new contest, but a monthly one, for August.
Then we can organize a Best of the Week - Season's best, open to all the first three shots of the preceding contests.

Voting is open.
Anyone can vote.
#XX: 3 pts
#YY: 2 pts
#ZZ: 1 pt

WARNING: there are two shots numbered #21; Jade's one must be considered #22
17 years ago

Roberto Ballerini -… said:

#22: 3 pts (lovely light and dof)
#18: 2 pts (because love makes world go round)
#08: 1 pt (because I can't stop to look at it)

Well. This time I'm shocked, because 3/4/5 of my preferred shots hadn't a single vote from me!!! Too many great shots for a single week, my friends!

Coming from a blog (?)
17 years ago

Roberto Ballerini -… said:

I'll be away 'til August 20th or 21st, so the voting is prolonged 'til August 21st ;-))

Coming from a blog (?)
17 years ago

Roberto Ballerini -… said:

WINNER: Jochen (aka Nehcoy Siola)

Coming from a blog (?)
17 years ago