Still struggling with the new macro lens on the a65 and thats why you arent seeing the results of that right now The Cybershot macro is still my best buddy !
The grass has AT LAST started to slow down in growth !! After mowing every 5-7 days for 4 months......
The heat is abating too. Whilst it was a little easier than last year.. the humidity was terrible and made any work outside even more sapping.
The butterflies are finally here in numbers.. had one sitting on my hand this morning. They are feeding frantically now. They were so late everywhere .The grasshopper hordes are finally moving on and I have at last had 3 flowers on my Hibiscus.
They were first of all frosted in May (historically late frost!) then shredded in late May with hail and after nursing them back both times the grasshopper plague started.. and they and alot else was decimated yet again.
This is my favourite month... but we are officially back in drought now ... the weather has been so strange this year... just about everywhere... wondering what the Winter is going to bring. Just hoping we dont lose anymore trees. We lost so very much the last 2 years.
I WISH I saw Blackberries here !! I always used to go picking and make Blackberry Jam and Blackberry & Apple Jam and Blackberry & Apple Pies. Oh for Bramley cooking apples.
Blackberry picking and getting scratched to heck and nettle stung was like a rite of Autumn... !!
Just one more thing missed.... the flavours.. the small traditions ... not the scratches !