My new macro lens came today.... and I have spent the afternoon taking some of the worst photographs of my life !!!!!!! Some may wish to delete me as a contact while you can ..........laughing...
A little background ......
I was on the F-Place... not to really display.... but to visit people who are good friends and took beautiful pictures.
I saw the way the F-Place was going months before it did... and then..... when it burst at the seams.... a wonderful soul introduced me to Ipernity. That person is a friend from another site and also English.
So... hesitantly I came here. I have had a passion for photography for 54 of my 58 years.... and now... whilst I cant afford the top end equipment... I CAN afford the time to enjoy the frustrations and joys of the Art.
I came here and saw I was wayyyyyyyy out of my league but I started with a free account... and to my great surprise... folk were so KIND...and GENEROUS of their time and spirit to comment on my small offerings.
I am still way out of my league... but I have.. through peoples kindness and friendship found the drive to do better.. to GET the pictures I want... but most of all... to SEE and revel in OTHERS mastery.
So.... I try to keep up with the comments..I try to thank all.... You are all teaching me new roads... and what's more...I have made some friends I simply know I will still have in 20 years time.
I am 4000 miles from Home... some of you give me..through your wonderful photography... a glimpse of all I miss.
The comments matter... not the length... but the SPIRIT of them. I only hope you are able to feel MY spirit in my appreciation of your Art.
P.S ........ Did I mention ..........
My new macro lens came today and I have spent the day taking some of the worst pictures of my life !!! Grins...... Some may wish to delete me as a Contact .... laughing....
Balancing Kiwi said:
I fully understand about being homesick. Although English I spent my childhood and twenties in New Zealand and I miss NZ tremendously - probably like you nearly everyday! But England has a lot to offer as well once you get past the grey and dreary ;-) Photography helps with that.
Pam J replied to Balancing Kiwi:
Thats the point.. England is no more "grey and dreary" than anywhere else !
I fully understand the Homesickness as you see.
Its ironic... NZ was always the place I thought I would end up.... specifically Great Barrier Island ! I have dreamed of being there since I was 15 ! Maybe... one day.....
Thankyou for your kind words...your photos and perspective s too are a delight
Jim Boynton said:
Pam J replied to Jim Boynton:
Ohhh I have a LONG way to go to give Janet a run for her money !!!!
I am mainly practicing "in private " with the new macro.. still making wonderful messes with it !
RHH said:
As to the macro lens, when I got mine I had more fun with it than I have ever had with my photography. I'm getting older and my eyesight isn't all that it used to be, but even apart from that macro photography opens up a whole new world and allows you to see things that would otherwise pass unnoticed.
As to being way out of the league, that simply isn't true. You have a wonderful photostream and the ability to "see" with your camera and that's what counts. One of the joys of digital photography is that it allows eveyrone to have fun with what used to be an expensive and limited hobby.
Pam J replied to RHH:
I have found that I thought I was observant ! The macro lens especially has made me realise there was and is so much more !
I am doing a 365.. and that alone has made me SEE more... its a wonderful thing.
I loved my old Canon AE1 but digital has allowed for the mistakes to be "free" as such... and taught its also ok the scrap many.
Thankyou for the kind words
Shuttering Yukon said:
Pam J replied to Shuttering Yukon:
re east coast.. mine was further east.... England... !!