11th JULY NEWS from the IMA
Can be seen below and in the IMA Project Group here


= EN =

Dear members, we are absolutely delighted to share with you that the legal basis of our IMA goal to take the Ipernity platform over is achieved:

Ipernity S.A. (represented by Christophe Ruelle) and IMA (represented by Eric Desjours) signed the contract regarding the transfer of the Ipernity platform, the underlying intellectual property and associated rights from Ipernity S.A. to IMA.

We can share in short the following details of the contract and next steps:

The price for the transfer is 1 €.

IMA will cover 12,000€ of costs that had been incurred by hosting and maintaining the Ipernity platform during the negotiations.

Other necessary legal processes will follow.

Codes and passwords are being handed over as we speak.

IMA has a 15 days withdrawal right. Ipernity S.A. will then start the transfer of the accounts of Amazon, Paypal, Google, etc.

Other necessary legal processes will follow.

The transfer process will be finished end of July.

We will keep you informed!

Best regards, William and Eric

= DE =

Liebe Mitglieder,

Wir freuen uns sehr, Euch mitteilen zu können, dass die rechtliche Grundlage unseres IMA-Ziels erreicht ist, die Ipernity Plattform zu übernehmen:

Ipernity S.A. (vertreten durch Christophe Ruelle) und IMA (vertreten durch Eric Desjours) haben den Vertrag bezüglich der Übernahme der Ipernity Plattform, des zugrundeliegenden geistigen Eigentums und der damit zusammenhängenden Rechte von Ipernity S.A. an IMA unterzeichnet.

Wir können in aller Kürze die folgenden Details des Vertrags und der nächsten Schritte mitteilen:

Der Preis für diesen Transfer ist 1 €.

IMA wird 12,000 € der Kosten decken, die durch das Hosting und die Aufrechterhaltung der Ipernity Plattform während der Verhandlungen entstanden sind.

Codes und Passwörter werden nun übergeben.

IMA hat ein 15-tägiges Rücktrittsrecht.

Iperinty S.A. wird danach beginnen, die Accounts bei Amazon, Paypal, Google etc. zu übertragen.

Andere notwendige rechtliche Abwicklungen werden folgen

Der Transfer-Prozess wird Ende Juli beendet sein.

Wir werden Euch weiterhin informieren.

Beste Grüße, William und Eric

= FR =

Chers membres,

Nous sommes heureux de partager avec vous la bonne nouvelle : les fondements juridiques de la reprise par l'IMA de la plate-forme Ipernity sont enfin entérinés !

En effet Ipernity S.A. (représentée par Christophe Ruelle) et l'IMA (représentée par Eric Desjours) ont signé le contrat relatif au transfert du site, de la propriété intellectuelle qui s'y rattache et des droits associés d'Ipernity S.A.

Voici brièvement les détails du contrat et le planning des prochaines étapes :

Le prix du transfert est de 1 € ;

l'IMA couvrira 12 000 € des coûts engagés par l'hébergement et le maintien de la plate-forme Ipernity pendant les négociations ;

Les codes d'accès et les mots de passe nous sont transmis au moment même où nous publions ce communiqué ;

l'IMA jouit d'un droit de rétractation de 15 jours ;

Ipernity S.A. commencera à l'issue de cette période le transfert des comptes Amazon, Paypal, Google, etc. vers l'IMA ;

D'autres processus juridiques requis s'ensuivront ;

Le processus complet de transfert sera achevé fin juillet.

Nous vous tiendrons informés régulièrement de la suite des opérations !

Bien cordialement, William et Eric


HappySnapper said:

Pam, This is such good news, it has been worth all the tears and frustrations, congratulations and well done for seeing this through. Thank you.
Regards Maurice.
7 years ago

Pam J replied to HappySnapper:

Thankyou Maurice..

We have a way to go yet... this is a beginning though.
7 years ago

Mickey fez said:

Brillant news
7 years ago ( translate )

sasithorn_s said:

Happy news for all of us, Pam! Thank you:)
7 years ago

Peggy C said:

Wonderful news !
7 years ago ( translate )

slgwv said:

Great news. Once the deal's absolutely finalized, I wonder if there's a way to send an "under new management" message to all, or at least most, of those inactive/former members?
7 years ago

Pam J replied to slgwv:

Steve.. all that is on the list..

and the inactive etc accounts are part of the clean up as well.. its all been addressed

There is A LOT of work to do yet... this is the first big news we had...

Trust me... its all been ongoing ... daily/nightly. We havent had any slacking !!
7 years ago

Pam J said:

Just wanting to add...

Its the first big step.. we have a way to go yet.... but we have ALWAYS been on the members side.

The whole process is unbelievably a rough one at times (as any negotiation is) .. but its a step by step.. and sometimes email by email path. Sometimes 20-30 emails a day/night ... corrections.. additions... 3 languages...5 time zones spread over 9 hours difference .. French Law .... some IMA members have major full time jobs but they ALWAYS found / find time to work at this Ipernity project.

Please keep your faith in us the IMA , we are all on the same side. Step by step and day by day

The "To Do" List get longer not shorter !!

Yes this is a good start !
7 years ago

Esther said:

Hooray! Thank you for all of your hard work.
7 years ago

©UdoSm said:

Thanks a lot...
7 years ago ( translate )

Valfal said:

Wonderful news! Thanks to everyone who made this happy day possible! :-)
7 years ago

©UdoSm said:

Why is there no official info from ipernity???
7 years ago

Pam J replied to ©UdoSm:

This IS official Udo.

Also... there is more to come to be final. As the announcement makes very clear . Lets just enjoy this please eh ?

Maybe just be happy for a few hours ??
7 years ago

Maeluk said:

Well done Pam ..its hard work and it will be ongoing. Good luck with the transfer
7 years ago