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= EN =
Dear Ipernity Members,
This is to give you a short update regarding our conversations with Christophe Ruelle in his role as the CEO of Ipernity S.A. We are still in discussions with Christophe Ruelle about different aspects of the conditions and implementation of the transfer of the ipernity platform to IMA.
The transfer of the platform has not yet started. It is still Ipernity S.A. that owns the platform and operates its business.
Two of the discussion topics are related to wishes that you expressed in your comments on the ipernity site:
1. Membership fees: We need to inform you that it is not yet secured that your membership (renewal) fees will be transferred to IMA.
2. Reduced subscription period: We requested to introduce a 3 month subscription option priced at 12,99 € until the transfer is concluded. We did not receive a positive answer so far. Furthermore we are discussing in detail the circumstances and conditions of the start and the implementation of transfer.
Kind regards, IMA
= FR =
Chers membres d'Ipernity,
Nous vous présentons ci-dessous les dernières nouvelles concernant nos échanges avec Christophe Ruelle dans son rôle de PDG d'Ipernity S.A.
Nous sommes toujours en discussion avec lui sur différents aspects des conditions de la mise en œuvre du transfert de la plate-forme ipernity à l'IMA.
La procédure de transfert de la plate-forme n'a pas encore commencé. C'est toujours Ipernity S.A. qui possède la plate-forme et exploite ses activités.
Deux des sujets de discussion en cours sont liés aux souhaits que vous avez exprimés dans vos commentaires sur le site ipernity :
1. Frais d'adhésion : nous devons vous informer qu'il n'est pas encore garanti que vos frais d'adhésion (renouvellement) seront transférés à IMA.
2. Abonnement de durée limitée : nous avons demandé l'introduction d'une option de souscription de 3 mois au prix de 12,99 € jusqu'à la fin du transfert. Nous n'avons pas encore reçu de réponse positive.
En outre, nous sommes encore en train de négocier le détail des circonstances et des conditions du démarrage et de la mise en œuvre du transfert.
Cordialement, l'IMA.
= DE =
Liebe Ipernity Mitglieder,
Wir möchten Euch ein kurzes Update bezüglich unserer Gespräche mit Christophe Ruelle in seiner Funktion als CEO von Ipernity S.A. geben.
Wir diskutieren mit Christophe Ruelle immer noch Aspekte der Bedingungen und der Implementierung des Transfers der Ipernity Platform an die IMA.
Der Transfer der Platform hat noch nicht begonnen. Es ist immer noch Ipernity S.A., die die Platform besitzt und und betreibt.
Zwei der Diskussionsthemen nehmen Bezug auf Wünsche, die Ihr in Euren Kommentaren auf der Ipernity-Seite geäußert habt:
1. Mitgliedsbeiträge: Wir müssen Euch informieren, dass es noch nicht sichergestellt ist, dass die (erneuerten) Mitgliedsbeiträge an die IMA transferiert werden.
2. Verkürzter Beitragszeitraum: Wir haben verlangt, eine 3-Monats Abo-Variante zu einem Preis von 12,99 € einzuführen bis der Transfer abgeschlossen ist. Wir haben dazu bisher noch keine positive Antwort erhalten. Des weiteren diskutieren wir im Detail die Umstände und Bedingungen des Beginns und der Durchführung des Transfers.
Mit besten Grüßen, IMA
Stormlizard said:
Oh well we wait on in patience while users numbers fall daily.
Maeluk said:
If Christophe Ruelle is serious about transferring Ipernity he needs to get on with it without any more delays.
Mickey fez said:
Valfal said:
My only question concerning IMA's latest post is the part that says, "discussing in detail the circumstances and conditions of the start and the implementation of transfer". How is the term "conditions" used in this sentence? I hope it means that the takeover will still definitely happen and that IMA is merely discussing with ipernity SA how the transfer will happen.
It's always hard to wait in limbo, but I'm willing to wait however long it takes to see it through. Having said that, I just don't know how much longer this site can remain in limbo and still have enough committed members who are willing to support it when the time comes. I hope the frustrated members leaving ipernity will return as soon as the platform is turned over to IMA.
In the meantime, I will enjoy ipernity as long as I still have club membership (until Sept. 2017)...
Clickity Click said:
Smiley Derleth said:
Puzzler4879 said:
Well, at least someone is slowly getting rid of those depressing commercial images on Explore, which is now down to three (from 9). Thank you to whomever. I hope that their accounts are also being cancelled permanently. But if someone is accomplishing this, why can't they make some attempt to post new legitimate and deserving images at the same time? Explore is now at 37 photos (less than one and a half pages), down from 486! I feel that this would be a very visible ray of hope to many members while we all still wait for the transfer to be concluded.
Pam J replied to Puzzler4879:
No one is there to do things at this moment.. except Christophe... Audrey is gone... Christophe is barely around.
Sorry.. but all that can be done is being done.. and its a lot more than people see.
beverley said:
But I wonder one thing .. and it is this . . . over twelve months ago ipernity muted that it was possibly going to close .. we all new this ... the writing was on the wall ... they did not pay to make the site safe with the green lock ... or whatever they call it ... then we were told about insolvency being filed ... well this might be being carried out under French Law and I do not know how that compares with English Law or any other country ... but I did not think that once this had been filed and was going through ... that money could be asked for ... ! did they in fact file for insolvency ... have I missed something here ? sadly I think this all seems rather strange.
My thanks to all who have tried and are trying to sort the issue out ... and save ipernity .. sincerely I do ... but somehow I don't feel confident. Perhaps my own personal worries at the moment have an effect on how I'm viewing things ... but I do feel sad about the demise of the site.
Pam J replied to beverley:
French law is also very different to English law.. as the IMA found out at the very beginning. No.. insolvency was never filed.
If tou care to go to the IMA group.. there are pages and pages of info.. difficult I know to ingest it all.
So.. just know.. all that can be done IS being done.
Puzzler4879 replied to :
beverley replied to :
as stated, my own personal worries around me prevent me from be active here
at the moment ... to go and read and read and read and read .. sorry no can do
I have far more worrying things going on around me to do that ... but as a fully
paid up club member ... six days left to run at that . . . I do pop in to try to find
out what is the current situation .... without having to waste time trawling through
so many different threads all with different issues ... rudeness which I have no time
for ... real life is more important when it hangs possibly by a thread . . . !
Pam J replied to :