pottering in the garden and photo for Fran
Yesterday ellen brought me a tray of 20 mixed Petunia so today I planted them out,colour in the garden soon and not before time.
While I was pottering about with that Stephen came round with his brush hacker for a scone go at the patch at the side of the house. Now I will be able to get atit with my strimmer hopefully.
Fran you asked for a photo of the beast,the macine that is not Stephen.,well here are the pair of thm. Stephen is 6ft and the hacker is as tall as him and pretty heavy so it needs a bit of muscle.


Bee Orchid said:

I did? Not been sleeping well, so if I did, I've forgotten lol.
It's a much bigger beastie than my strimmer was. That's a serious looking piece of equipment.
No strimmer needed here as there's very little garden and certainly no grass.
3 years ago

Aus Blue said:

good shot
3 years ago

Jenny McIntyre said:

Good picture of Stephen, and as for that whacker - wow - that is a serious piece of machinery. I could do with one of those here for my garden, as you know. I might just look at getting one, if I can afford it. Hopefully tomorrow, I'll be able to plant out my petunias too, and as you say - have some colour in the garden - well in the troughs outside my lounge window.
3 years ago

Gracie said:

Oh I have been lazy this year. Rick just planted Vinca in the e back garden. I still have to weed and go get my annuals. So busy lately theres little left of me afterwards for my pastimes
3 years ago