some gardening weather at last
Ater a wet nasty shopping dayonSaturdayat last abreak inthe weather so onto the grdeni Went.
Ellen brought me some surplus Begonias which I planted in a small trough. I have the back garden just about where I want it. I even got my first strim on the patch at the side of the house after Stephen had got rid of most of the rough stuff
It the little wild corner the poppies arestarting to showand the drift wood is rotting nicely making ahome forlotsof ceeepy crawlies

Just 3 days later the orange poppies are here


Jenny McIntyre said:

Now those poppies have taken root there, you'll have loads of them Mickey. They last a long time too. How about putting some forget-me-nots in there too.
3 years ago

Aus Blue said:

3 years ago ( translate )

Bee Orchid said:

I like the wild corner. We had Icelandic poppies in a previous garden, but no amount of trying would yield new plants for us to put elsewhere. Hope they multiply for you and continue to brighten that patch.
3 years ago

Gracie said:

Your flowers are so pretty. But you can keep your creepy crawlies!!
3 years ago ( translate )

StoneRoad2013 said:

Those are very nice, and I like the idea of that corner ...

How about a "bug hotel" Mickey ?

They are quite easy to make ...
3 years ago

Mickey fez replied to StoneRoad2013:

there are some boxes and little creations deep in the undergrowth that can't be seen now
3 years ago