Content filtering / rating seems to be close to be released

there are some glimpse at ipernity which seems to be like the content - filtering (via Settings / Display & Layout) is close to be released by ipernity.

There were many discussions in the back about this issue, if it´s nessessary to filter content, if it should be and how it should be filtered.
For example in the comments of the ipernity- team blog- entries [EN] Workshop: content rating/filtering system (17. January 2008), Introducing the new content rating/filtering system (18. Juni 2010), but in many user-blogs, too (just search for content filtering in blogsearch).
All these was before ipernity released a new page - layout, but at their announcing - blogentry about this layout-changes the Team announced that they are still working on filtering: Discover the new ipernity! (9. April 2013).

Also there was a group about this topic: ipernity workshop: content rating and filtering system.

Since a few weeks there are some more indicators that the content-filtering for the (non-mobile)website of ipernity is close to be released (it´s reported that they are already implemented if you surf to ipernity by a smartphone, I can´t test that).

Most new features where released by ipernity on fridays in the past so I suggest the content - filtering will be released on 10th, 17th or 24th January 2014. ;-)

We will see...

1 comment

ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… said:

OK, the Team seemed to be need some more time for it so they don´t released it until 24th January as I expected - but at least they are talking about it on 24th again in their blog: www.ipernity.com/blog/team/archive/posted/2014/01/24

This was at least 50% of my forecast, wasn´t it? ;o)
11 years ago