I went to my first camera club meeting tonight. Something I've been thinking about for a while, but I wasn't all that sure I had the time for it. Seemed like a friendly group of people. We spent the evening learning how to set a custom white balance in the camera. Something I never do, but I can see the application for it.
autofantasia said:
Probably be sometime next year though knowing me before I get around to it, which is saying something as I can see the venue they hold it in from our house! ;)
Indycaver (Norm) replied to autofantasia:
autofantasia replied to :
Shuttering Yukon said:
Indycaver (Norm) replied to Shuttering Yukon:
Sounds like you need to set up your own club! :-)
Shuttering Yukon said:
and as for setting up my own club.. no wayhosay!
Indycaver (Norm) replied to Shuttering Yukon:
Indycaver (Norm) replied to :