Busy Week/Weekend
It has been a busy week here and I did finally get both the new stove and new refrigerator delivered and installed. I was suppose to get a new set of book shelves delivered today, but their truck broke down and they claim they are going to be delivering them early Sunday morning. I told them I couldn't be waiting around all day for them like I did today. I'm planning on attending a birthday party for my Aunt Sunday and I've got a bit of a drive to get there. I did spend a fine fall day doing the last of the concrete work I was needing to do and I'm a bit tired and sore after that. I suspect that my Sunday photo will come late again unless I use one from the archive. The girls are tired too! They didn't get near as much sleep today with all my outside work! I couldn't help wishing I'd taken the day and gone covered bridge hunting. Fall colors would have been good today, but as fast as things are turning it won't be long before it's all gray again. I did take a break this morning and ordered some canvas prints. There's a local contest I'm hoping to enter in November if the prints get here in time.


Shuttering Yukon said:

oh covered bridge hunting.. I am so jealous!
10 years ago

Indycaver (Norm) replied to Shuttering Yukon:

The wind an rain of the last couple of day has stripped the color from the trees, but I may try and go one of these days soon.
10 years ago