Has anyone been back to Multiply? I have..
And even tho it was supposed to shut down all but the sellers by January 1st at the latest, it's still running! You can still post.. I'm not the only one there although most just gave up the ghost so to speak..I had deleted all my photos but not posts.. They are still there.. I'm going to go back and check the admin news page. Maybe there's some info there.. After all this can you imagine if they just decided to leave it available? Sheesh!


Stormlizard said:

I've been keeping a daily checkup policy. Like you I too deleted all photos, the rest can be deleted by the owners when they get round to it.
I have not been able to find any genuine information as to what and when if ever they will turn it off.
One member of MUS (Meg) wrote recently that there were rumours about it remaining until some time in April, but it is only a rumour.
Posting is still possible but truly a waste of time and energy.
I still have 167 contacts in existence but only 7 of them ever look in to add Guestbook comments, a few unknown straglers also look in but being non contacts can't see or do anything.

12 years ago

Stormlizard said:

The latest news from a good multiply contact is that They, Multiply, have begun to refund subscription money to Premium users.
I think this signals the final close down to bloggers

12 years ago