I was catching up on some of the stories and just finished Sue's about the ghosts & Orbs etc.. Jenny made the comment how she sometimes smells her moms perfume or catches a shadow out of the corner of her eye. I think most of us who are a little more open and unafraid have had this happen occasionally..
The house I was born in is still in the family.. After my father passed and then my grandmother who lived downstairs, it was sold to other family members. My cousin lives on the second floor still. When I was little and even before, my whole family lived within a few blocks of each other. Very common for Italian families to do that years ago. Every night my great-uncle Zendawn (sp? Means uncle in Italian.. Yes I realize it's redundant).. Used to come to the house about 10pm.. He had this thing about stopping in to check on all of us. He always brought chewing gum or chocolate with him.. Apparently to my mothers chagrin, he would also wake me up to play with me.. Then it was a bit tough to get me back to sleep.. And he would not stop no matter who said what to him.. It was his "thing" I guess..
He passed away when I was still quite young. After my father though.. I was six when my dad was killed in a car accident. Zendawn still did his nightly routine while we lived in the house. He also came, less often, but sometimes, to the house we moved to with my Aunt Nanni.
He eventually died too.. I think maybe 2 years after my dad.. But in all that time he had kept the visits to the family home. Always around 10pm..
My cousin who still lives there has told us that for years after she moved into the house the front door to the apartment would open at 10pm.. Apparently my uncle still wanted to visit and see the family.. Locked, unlocked, didn't matter.. At first she was a bit frightened.. But of course, nothing ever happened. So she finally got to the point where when the door opened she would just say "Hello Zendawn" and go about her business. Over the years the nightly visits became less and less.. I believe now they've finally stopped altogether.. Maybe it was just the energy he left behind.. Such a constant routine that it took a long time to dissipate. Or maybe he just finally got tired and decided to truly take his rest.. Whichever it was, no one was ever afraid.. Like Jenny said, it was just a comfort... Family usually is right?
Jenny McIntyre said:
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