Today we had a chance, to take a first glimpse at the recently built "Ueberseequartier" in Hamburgs "Hafen city" district. This has been designed to be the heart of that complete new district and it´s main shopping area. Thought is still 'empty', it looks a bit lost. We had expecte…
14 years ago / 1 352 visits
Sowas! Ich sitze freidlich am Sonntag früh in meinem Lesesessel, als plötzlich ein Eichhörnchen vom benachbarten Baum auf das Geländer vor dem Fenster springt (beachtliche Leistung!), das Geländer herunter turnt (immerhin habe ich inzwischen meine Kamera parat...), um dann noch einmal vom Sims aus…
15 years ago / 827 visits / 1 comment / 2 people like redible-paintings-by-tetsuya-ishida
16 years ago / 784 visits
The red monkeys is a rare species - so are the green and the blue (the orange are more common, I think).... But some time ago, I managed to get some - and it turned out - that they sometimes decide to come "en masse".... And as they tend to be rather pretty, I decided, to make a series of portrait…
16 years ago / 918 visits / 1 comment
Früh aufgewacht, so kurz vor sechs. Gegen alle Gewohnheit allein zuhaus. Keine Frühstücksroutine. Das schöne Wetter gesehen und gedacht: Das mußt du ausnutzen! Woke up early this morning. Before six. Somehow differnt than other mornings: Alone. No braekfast-routine. Saw the bright sky…
16 years ago / 846 visits
Gerade eingetroffen - meine neue K20D - nun bin ich mal wirklich gespannt.... Just arrived - my brand new Pentax K20D - I am a bit exited... Just startetd to try out the first pictures - especially the ones on a dark surrounding... Looks like a good step better than the old K10D....
16 years ago / 1 583 visits / 2 comments
Thank You all for voting the first time for a picture 10+ times!
17 years ago / 882 visits
Since 5th of November I am travelling through Argentina again - 2 Years before, have been to Buenos Aires and Uruguay. This time Buenos Aires again will be the starting and ending point of the journey. After two nights in Palermo - one of the most lively and charming areas of BA - we took…
17 years ago / 834 visits
Prague again has been: * beautifully historic * full of art & music * Art Nouveau at it´s best * a Kaffeehaus-Paradise * pretentious * lively * full of tourists and souvenirs * and: sometimes surprising…
17 years ago / 807 visits / 1 comment
I have been quite curious, when I first found some pictures of this "little monster" - but could not stop myself from looking, where I could buy it - especially after I found out that there is a version for my PENTAX K mount... So I ordererd one an when today the small package arrived, I shurely tr…
17 years ago / 1 036 visits / 2 comments
I am living almost right in the city centre of Hamburg - but even here, sometimes life can be like in a very small town. Not only because of the "village"- character of this neighborhood, but even as there are quite a lot of trees, parks and the Alster lake near by... This morning - on a "golden Oc…
17 years ago / 663 visits
Nachdem gestern mein neues "Extremtele"-Fernrohr-Objektiv von Walimex mit 650-1300mm eingetroffen ist - hier mal ein paar erste Versuche: Bei guten Lichtverhältnissen lassen sich mit dem relativ günstigen Stück brauchbare, wenn auch keine überragenden Bilder machen... Das Hauptproblem ist die stabi…
17 years ago / 1 031 visits / 8 comments
I have just been looking for a good translation of Hesse's STUFEN-Gedicht an found this one... As every blossom fades and all youth sinks into old age, so every life's design, each flower of wisdom, every good attains its prime and cannot last forever. In life, each call the heart must be p…
17 years ago / 759 visits
Some impressions from a short walk at the beginning of the night
17 years ago / 978 visits / 1 person likes
After a while I took the time to experiment in the studio a little: First with light and flowers only - even that took quite a lot of time. But hopefully it will be the beginning of a new "series" of "installed pictures... and on it goes...
17 years ago / 610 visits