appealing arousal

grenouille felt his heart pounding, and he knew it wasn't the strain of running that made it pound, but his aroused helplessness facing the presence of this scent.

grenouille spürte, wie sein herz pochte, und er wußte, dass es nicht die anstrengung des laufens war, die es pochen machte, sondern seine erregte hilflosigkeit vor der gegenwart dieses geruches.

from the perfume, das parfüm by patrick süskind


did you ever suddenly start smiling or crying listening to a song ? or did a ray of light falling on your kitchen table absorb you and you couldn't take your eyes off of it? the scent of freshly mown grass or the perfume your grandma used is pushing you back towards long forgotten memories... maybe it's the voice of somebody or the dimple in someone's cheek, the expression in somebody's eyes that are making you feel intense emotions you would hardly be able to express in any words. you can just feel them.

suddenly without noticing you're taken into another place, another emotional level . your heart is aking with a wonderful feeling of pleasure, you start floating around in this other world...

i would love to know what takes ( or took ) you into this different and wonderful parallel universe ! show your pictures, tell your stories -



mo | said:

one of these things made me feel like taken out of reality and made me dream, was this little, unspectacular puddle, wonderful in its own way.

autumn in spring
17 years ago

mo | replied to :

ooh this is wonderful ! we must be sisters, i can feel how it must have been... dreamy nice and a moment you won't forget. love experiences like that, that will always remain engraved in our hearts and souls. treasure !!!
17 years ago

mo | replied to :

do you know what was appealing about their songs, what kind of sentiments they awoked in you when you listened to them...
17 years ago

mo | replied to :

oh... may i then sit down beside you, michael ?
17 years ago