Will flickr's mum YAHOO be eaten by Microsoft?

Some time ago flickr was eaten by yahoo and (among other things) all users "were allowed to create" yahoo accounts in order to log in. I just read (here! [dutch]) that Microsoft plans to eat YAHOO. If that happens you can imagine what the consequences for flickr's services will be.

For now I joined the protest-group, but as soon as Microsoft indeed buys yahoo I will quit my account for sure. It's not that I did very much with my flickr account, but if it's infected I don't even want it to exist for a handfull of pictures.

Here at ipernity I feel much more home and I hope that in future we are NOT confronted with any take-over of ipernity by any big bad brother company...


alboe replied to :

I don't know yet howto delete an yahoo account, but your flickr account can be at www.flickr.com/account and for as far as I know a hotmail account will be deactivated if you don't check your mail for some time...

Haven't heard of plans for creating ipernity mailboxes. That would sure be nice, but isn't really necessary, don't you think?
How free btw. gmail really is...the future will show.
17 years ago

alboe replied to :

For those leavers indeed I hope they'll find their way to ipernity. :)
17 years ago