
Frail dust grains first loose then held shivering around any

small advance laps into that shore some melt some flame

tricked into the hollowed bow touched the next light caught

And then left answers too numerous and full to grasp drop

way back did not fail not brush the sleeved ochre forehead

or mouth platform encouraged parts of silence to fit in vast

Slow choreography becoming restrained series of signature

elisions to use when shaking to regulate an inconsistent arc

designed before breathing starts but who moves andante

Causing sequence would pull the top notes to roll over small

creatures within range tempt flirt flare shudder connections

faltering weight on vestiges of wingform touch brail feathers

As grey as Venn circles show each slender curved sequence

beginning to elongate thin wrists grow eyes falter pulse form

measured to travel over turning ways curls in under answer

To need though for who or for what mention and preference

are not outwardly spoken thus the silence encloses sending

eggs stones sea glass seeds pins stems to add to the story

Pushed all frail moments one