Crawl from shell lids half shut neck born again glass sweating
speechlessness of a kind face contorted by rictus as if already
embalmed in the corridors of the asylum these spirits smoke
Mutter tremor habits circumscribed pillowed bricks sweat out
largactil stelazine orphenadrine white blue yellow sucked into
places much the same indifference forgetting crawled upright
Glazed to the opening where it fell into a corner of your fingers
the nicotine browned hole of warmth calm and pure blazing
purpose roots of laurel fossilised trees ritual laying out trolley
Underground tendresse cellar white substance functional and
fabulous classic neutral colours make the space feel enormous
beneath our cloud adjusted eyelids gestures shrug difference
Penance across sandfilled carpets beige noir paint scaling off
pink walls lino would have brought together lovely shiny with
less friction on knees and elbows hours blurred soft gardens
Sucked distraction keen gardeners should be buried beneath
their snowdrops not ashes but exactly as they are not too deep
just handy for digging up again lying next to smelling the roses
Set out palsy continue to fossilise bleach towels stick notes back
onto your soft parts care morsels auction horizons kidney stones
pegged under strain or delivered from Amazon all you have to do
Is grow hair today was always enough even if it patches black and
grey bruised cushion covers trail back grey feathers flarf dust
remain stupefied among the petty destructions we look forward
Bring mushroom delicacies fungi toxic hallucinogens to the table
eat the table all splinters blood savour meat notes attar of creeks
serpentine liquorice cleanse your palette with sun dappled water
Lift the supplicants from the mirrored cloth