Southeast Ohio
  1. goo.gl/maps/PAeYUed5bG92 green Westy
  2. goo.gl/maps/pQBbReSmQk52 brake-stomper setup
  3. goo.gl/maps/CcTKv7rjeyK2 structure with green glass disks
  4. goo.gl/maps/q5ygvBcbh7t crossarm bank
  5. goo.gl/maps/8wroVaTZwkN2 impressive lattice sub
  6. goo.gl/maps/eSakHBZP1z22 Westy
  7. goo.gl/maps/9TkudYj59tC2 crossarm bank
  8. goo.gl/maps/S21TQA7fqUN2 Westy


David Dahle said:

That brakestomper - holy cow!!!
8 years ago

David Dahle said:

I wonder if that pole with the green Westy actually has a 3-bank of Westies?

The crossarm bank with 2 L-M cans is also nice, and that big lattice sub looks like it has 2 old oil-filled PTs.
8 years ago

SW Ohio Lines said:

It's definitely a 3-bank of cans but it looks like only 2 Westies. These finds are all in Ohio Power land, just like those other green pole-mounted cans I've shown.
8 years ago