Album Tags ... [29th January 2025]
Having realised that I have a lot of uploaded images still to process - they are mostly already added to albums, but without Captions, Keywords and Titles - I decided to try playing catch-up. This will take some time ! I have also done some more uploads ...

To help me, I decided to "tag" the multitude of albums. So, I'm doing that at the moment. [first run was 18Nov2024, revision started 8thJan2025]
{New} = what it says on the tin, some may appear as "spin-offs" from larger albums.
{OK} = up to date ie work already completed
{WIP} = albums with images due to be processed
{Updated} = contains images recently uploaded & processed and should graduate to {OK} the next time I look through the albums list.

Yes, I know I've got a lot of albums, some of which are tiny and others very large.
When I'm working on these updates, the album[s] in question will almost certainly be found in the featured albums strip on my album homepage, which is based on the most recent favourite albums - so that list will be cleared out in preparation.

Additionally, I will re-arrange the contents of my Folders, as appropriate.


StoneRoad2013 said:

First stage of tagging the albums now finished and now re-arranging the contents in some of my Folders.
Hopefully, should get onto some of the WIP albums this week, if the weather stays as cold as it is at the moment [a hard frost at 09:39 on 19Nov2024] I will be starting that quite soon.
3 months ago

StoneRoad2013 said:

Decided, after doing some additional uploads, that I should revise the Album Tags again - I've done that on 8th January 2025, before continuing with the overall updates process.
6 weeks ago