IMA NEWSFLASH - 14th September 2018
Updates on Pam ( latest - 27th September 2018) lifted from IMA thread, posted by Chris & Peggy - see comments.
https://www.ipernity.com/blog/team/4708924 for the [FR] & [DE] editions ...

Dear members and friends of ipernity!

1) Due to a sudden serious disease, Pam Johnson can no longer perform her duties within the ima team - handling of spam and moderation of official requests (tickets) - until further notice. She will be temporarily represented at short notice by HelenaPF. We thank Helena for her spontaneous willingness to support us.

2) For the further prosperity of our community it is very helpful if ipernity occupies good positions in search engines and rankings. We would like to ask you to help us by rating ipernity 5 stars and writing a few nice words about it on the most important rating pages. A collection of the relevant rating pages can be found here: www.ipernity.com/home/ranking

Your ima team


StoneRoad2013 said:

Here is the latest update from Jay:

"Pam is awake! I went in at 9am and she was awake. I told her everyone missed her and such. I told her I mowed the lawn and she raised her brow.

"Then she wanted to talk and could not because of the tube. That's when she went into a panic attack and they had to sedate her. So, I got 3 minutes with her.

"After the staff reported that she had been awake earlier in the morning, the head doctor decided it was time to remove the tube. That will probably happen today."

So, that was predictable. We all know how Pam feels about tubes. I'm hoping the tube is gone now, and maybe she won't remember what happened today.

Please post this wherever you like, it is the version Jay expects to be published.

- received from Marty [San Francisco Gal-Pal of Pam Johnson]

09/18/2018 @ 6:25pm [ no idea which time zone this one is as Marty is in Kansas now and Jay is in Oklahoma ]
6 years ago

StoneRoad2013 said:

UpDate - 9-19-2018

Here's the latest update on Pam from Jay:
"The breathing tube has been removed. Pam is still getting a little oxygen through her nose tubes. The drainage tube in her cranium has been removed and the hole has been sealed shut. She still has a food tube, but when she can demonstrate that she can eat and swallow, that will be removed as well. She was very groggy this morning, but responsive to instructions. The PT folks showed up and put her through a minor workout. They had her hold a wash cloth in her hand and wipe her face. She is trying to speak, but not there yet. She also managed to move her left foot a little when instructed.

"Doctor says they will keep her in ICU another day or so and then transfer her to a non-ICU room. Depending on progress, she will eventually go to a rehab facility."
6 years ago

declic67 said:

De tout cœur avec toi PAM reviens nous vite ......
6 years ago ( translate )

StoneRoad2013 said:

9/20/2018 update:
Pam is more awake but not yet talking. The physical therapist is seeing her daily.

They are making preparations to move her out of ICU, so a room # may be forthcoming. J will let us know when it is appropriate to send cards.

We are cautiously optimistic and will pass along information as we receive it.
Keep the thoughts, prayers and energies going Pam and J.'s way.

Chris and Peggy
5 years ago

StoneRoad2013 said:

9/21/2018 update:

Pam has left the ICU for a regular room. We are awaiting further news.
5 years ago

StoneRoad2013 said:

Update 9/22/2018

Pam was speaking today. It is weak but coherent. Most importantly, she is not struggling to make words. She is able to move both legs reasonably well.

She needs to be able to swallow and be fit enough for a rehab routine.

They are working on moving her into rehab sometime next week perhaps, if she is strong enough.
5 years ago

StoneRoad2013 said:

Update as of late 9/23/2018

Pam is in a very foggy world. Some things are clear, others not so much.

She has not passed the swallow test but is improving in many other areas.

Pam was able to stand with assistance and there is a little movement in her left arm. That was very encouraging.


Small steps moving forward.

Chris and Peggy
5 years ago

StoneRoad2013 said:

PAM UPDATE: 9/27/2018

This just in from Jay:

"I stayed home today, but I had a call from the hospital. Pam is eating soft food and the feeding tube has been removed. In fact, all the tubes are gone. The Case Worker is working with the rehab center and they are trying to transfer her today.

"When I get more details, I will send them on."


We know everyone will be pleased to get this wonderful news. :)

Chris & Peggy :))))
5 years ago