How to take a closer look at faved images?
White rooms with lots of light Does anybody know how to take a closer look at the images that you have faved yourself? I can't find any other possibility then looking at the thumbnails and click them one by one....


PhLB - Luc Boonen said:

Dank je Peter, maar ik heb me niet helemaal goed uitgedrukt, vrees ik. Ik bedoel het terugkijken van foto's met faves die je zelf uitgedeeld hebt aan anderen. Ik zal mijn Engelse stukje wat aanpassen. Nogmaals dank voor je moeite!
11 years ago ( translate )

PhLB - Luc Boonen said:

Peter, nogmaals bedankt, ik begrijp je uitleg, maar ik bedoel de foto's die ik zie van een ander en een fave geef. Terugkijken gaat alleen via thumbnails?
11 years ago ( translate )

PhLB - Luc Boonen said:

Jos (zeze57) bedankt. Wat je zegt klopt helemaal, maar mijn vraag richt zich meer op het traject erna. Je ziet de favorieten wel, maar alleen als thumbnail, niet groter, niet geselecteerd, niet als slideshow enz. Daar ligt volgens mij nog ruimte voor verbetering.....
11 years ago ( translate )

beverley said:

o0o if you click on your photos ... ;-) on the left hand side it says something like ...
most viewed ... most commented on ... things like that ...carry your eye below
those and you come to the words something like your faves ... these then
appear ... I am going from memory ;-) and they do show only in thumb nail
size I believe ... but then you can click and look at them large size ... I guess as
this was written by you seven months ago ..then you will have sussed this out ;-) oOo
10 years ago

PhLB - Luc Boonen said:

Thanks again o0o Bev o0o......................
OK, that means that you have to click a lot, if you want to see all your faves in large size;
it would be a major improvement if you could see them all, in large size, without those extra clicks.....
10 years ago

autofantasia said:

From your homepage simply go to Photos which takes you to the thumbnails of photos you've posted. Then next click Your Favorite Photos and that takes you to the page where you can see thumbnails of all the photos you've faved.

Look across to the top right corner and you'll see a little icon that looks like a play button. Click that and it'll open a Lightbox/Slideshow of all the photos you've added to your faves.

Before you open the Lightbox/Slideshow there's a drop down that will even allow you to only see photos from a particular person.

It's really only a 3 click process and takes as many seconds to do ... it's taken me longer to type the explanation - lol!

A bit late maybe, especially if the site is going to close, but I just saw this article today! ;)
8 years ago

Clickity Click said:

I am off to try auto's directions, I had wondered if there was a way to see those images you faved of other people.
6 years ago