Maria Rainer Ist Elephantenatmung Schneeflocke des Grundes, gelbe Winde auftritt? Gefahrlich ist die Finsterniss verlocken die zuverlässig an der Farben litt. In einem Spielraum, an Gespensten rich, In einem Schlafe, wo verwischen Seelen An einer Straße, wo die Stummen fehlen Ich möchte sogar es…
3 months ago / 25 visits
One poor woman, unexpectedly receiving an inheritance from her uncle and not knowing where to spend it, turned to the Wise man. The Wise man placed a crystal vessel in front of her and began to fill it with stones. He put large stones at the bottom, smaller ones in the middle, and the smallest ones…
4 months ago / 40 visits / 1 person likes
December 12, 2023. Today I am a bear. I wander around the rooms, growl, rub back against the jambs, eat a liter of buckwheat honey, fall on the sofa, suck my paw and sleep. April 12, 2024. I'm a dog today. I rush around the rooms, knock down rugs, gnaw slippers and table legs, eat 2 kilograms of…
4 months ago / 45 visits / 2 people like