The big face-plant
Ladies and gentlemen: I cannot addequately express the depth of relief of millions of Americans who have taken to the streets to celebrate the fall of this manufacturer of hate and teller of lies. There is a lot of work ahead to heal the damage he has done to my country in four years...which felt like 10. Never since our civil war have we been so divided, spoken so viciously of each other, seen so much hate toward African-Americans and Hispanic and Muslim immigrants. Under his watch, 238,000 Americans have died of Covid-19 while he has lied about the disease since it was discovered in Wuhan, even prevented the proper prevention and treatment of it.
We are also rid of the entire crime family. They'll still be around causing problems, engaged in swindling and spewing their delusional conspiracy theories, but they won't be running the country, betraying our allies or putting children in cages. Their voters are just a passionate as ever. Perhaps they'll be out for revenge, we don't know, but we will have to deal with that, too. For now, we are just rejoicing.
Goodbye and good riddance, Trump.
(The image is in dozens of financial news articles, one with the following citation: "Illustration/Getty Images, iStock.")
Diana Australis said:
Diane Putnam replied to Diana Australis:
Cheryl Beal said:
Diane Putnam replied to Cheryl Beal:
StoneRoad2013 said:
Hopefully, the coming changes that Biden signalled (like rejoining the Paris Agreement, the WHO etc) will, actually, make America great again to the relief of the rest of the world.
Diane Putnam replied to StoneRoad2013:
jeybee68 said:
Diane Putnam replied to jeybee68:
Amelia said:
Diane Putnam replied to Amelia:
Peggy C said:
Diane Putnam replied to Peggy C:
Andy Rodker said:
I contrast it with Dubya's graceful message to Joe Biden and, Lord knows, I was no fan of Dubya! Also Bush Sr's note for Clinton in '92, left for him in the Oval Office. Class!!
But in those days the consensus of opinion was that the democratic process was paramount. If your side lost, it lost because the voters decreed it and all you could do was try harder next time, not trash the whole system like a spoilt child throwing toys out of the pram!
(IMHO, as an outsider, looking in!)
Diane Putnam replied to Andy Rodker:
Thank you.
HappySnapper said:
What I do know is that the moment the election result was called I immediately felt that little bit safer. Mr Trump should learn a quote from Abraham Lincoln, You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”