Letters sent out by the Government giving advice for vulnerable people
Yesterday I received a letter from the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock, advising me that, as a clinically extremely vulnerable person due to an underlying health condition, in this case diaganosed pancreatic cancer in 2018, I should have been rigorously shielding.

This is news to me. At no time over the last 3 months have I received any notification of the fact that I should have stayed indoors, and so have happily been outside walking every single day since the pandemic reached the U.K.. Apparently on 1 June, the shileding guiance was slightly relaxed and I could spend some time out of doors once a day. Now, from 6 July, I can meet up with 6 people outdoors while mainatining social distancing.

From 1 August the advice to 'shield' will be paused, but I should still stay at home where possible and my name will remain on the 'Shielded Patients List'.

It's so nice to be informed at last, and I'll now cancel my visit to beaches around the country, and won't be attending any raves.


Nick Weall said:

I thought that I recently saw you on the beach at Bournmouth or was it Luworth Cove?
4 years ago

Amelia said:

OMG I have been found out! I scarpered quickly when I saw a very handsome fellow wielding a Nikon 7000 and pointing it directly at me. i was in such a rush I left all my litter all over the beach, and my tail lost a few scales. ;-)
4 years ago

Nick Weall replied to Amelia:

I think that leaving forty tonnes of litter in one day on one beach is a trifle careless ~~~

Good to know that the paparazzi can still spot you and that you can spot them, try tthe Dalmatian Coast in future, you will not get so hounded there ~~~
4 years ago

HappySnapper said:

On the face of it everything seems to be in a mess made a lot worse by campaigning media, in hind site things could have been made a lot better had planning been properly prepared. Then I ask myself just 7 months ago the soundings of a Pandemic were just reaching the outside world, our current prime minister hadn't even be elected then, so how do you organize and plan for 65 million people at the click of your fingers.
I guess in your case Amelia purely because you obeyed the rules which applied to everyone you have managed to stay safe and long may you do so. It is the younger generation who were wrongly led to believe that they are less likely to be affected by Covid who are now taking the brunt of it all as they are in the US. The wisdom that comes with age has not reached them yet and they are impatient with time.
4 years ago

Amelia replied to HappySnapper:

There has been so much reckless behaviour by many groups since the virus hit the UK, and I'm appalled when I watch it on TV or the Internet. One of the first things that wound me up was the 'clap for carers' on Westminster Bridge. No social distancing, and children and police were present. It was a mixed age group. How irresponsible was that? I never did clap for carers after I saw that fiasco. It's not that I didn't think they were doing and still are doing a wonderful job under the most difficult of circumstances. We haven't been able to see any of our family for the last 14 weeks, and that is hard. I hope that the antics of those who attend illegal raves, BLM marches, football supporters and beach visitors have not jeopardized the ultimate aim of a return to normality as soon as possible. Meanwhile, I continue to walk a couple of miles at least most days, and we will continue to strictly adhere to the 2 metre rule even if/when they reduce the distance.
4 years ago

Annaig56 said:

tu es encore en bonne santé malgré un tel cancer qui est grave prends soin de toi,,
4 years ago ( translate )

Amelia replied to Annaig56:

The surgeons decide to operate, and after major surgery followed by chemotherapy, they told me in June last year that I was OK. After blood marker tests this year in June, the consultant told me again that all I was fine. I feel lucky.

Les chirurgiens décident d'opérer, et après une intervention chirurgicale majeure suivie d'une chimiothérapie, ils m'ont dit en juin de l'année dernière que j'étais OK. Après des tests de marqueurs sanguins cette année en juin, le consultant m'a dit à nouveau que tout allait bien. Je me sens chanceux.
4 years ago

Clickity Click said:

Don't you just love the clarity of information that comes from the government Amelia! Ours is just as bad. The only one I trust with information about the virus is Dr. Fauci , the nation's top infectious disease expert and others like him who don't let politics dictate or play with information re: the virus. We still follow all the safety directives for keeping safe and will continue to do so. Please continue to be cautious, shall be thinking of you as you deal with the virus and the other serious health issue you are facing.

Stay Strong
4 years ago

Amelia replied to Clickity Click:

Our government is between a rock and a hard place. On one hand the economy is driving things forward and encouraging a loosening of the strict lock-down so that that businesses and tourism. can start up again. This leads to people, particularly the young, thinking that things are pretty much back to normal, and congregating in large numbers, which of course is against the advice. There has been a surge in cases in the city of Leicester, consequently their freedom is being curtailed once more, and all non essential shops will be closed again. The city will not benefit from the new freedoms that are to be granted on 4 July.
Meanwhile we are both extremely careful and will remain so for some time to come..
4 years ago

Steve Bucknell said:

It has been a confused response, by government and populace. It’s going to get worse on July 4th. “Independence day” !!!! No wonder people think it’s all over. Which government genius thought of that? Was it that indispensable Dominic by any chance?
If people wear masks it helps, but people don’t understand that the mask you wear protects other people, not you, therefore for mask wearing to work then all need to wear masks, which will give maximum mutual protection. Has the government recommended this? No. Will people wear masks in shops and pubs and restaurants? No.
Resuming flying and tourism is, potentially another disaster.
There’s so much complacency around still. It may take second waves of the virus until government and people understand what is needed.
4 years ago

Amelia replied to Steve Bucknell:

Well, we're now into a serious second wave of infections now, Steve, and still some folks flout the rules. I must be getting old, because I'm turning into a female version of Victor Meldrew, and shout at the TV whenever I see careless behaviour on screen.
4 years ago

Sylvain Wiart said:

BoJo will get his letter in two years.
Be well !
4 years ago

Schussentäler said:

Stay healthy and keep your distance and wear a mask when meeting friends outdoors. Fresh air and a chat with friends always does you good.
Keep well and happy - have a nice weekend
4 years ago

Mariagrazia Gaggero said:

Stiamo tutti attenti, usciamo ma cerchiamo di evitare la troppa gente
e cerchiamo di stare in salute....e non dimentichiamo mai la nostra fotocamera!
Tanti auguri di cuore
4 years ago ( translate )

Gudrun said:

What a "world beating" letter;-) From the continent your government's Covid management looks like a lesson on how not to do it though I must say USA or Brazil are worse...
You are lucky to be in the country where you can take walks and socially distance at the same time- stay safe!
4 years ago