
A splash of Autumn - HBM

Works nicely, viewed full screen. Snapped using my mobile phone camera near sunset time, a few days ago.
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Christa1004 said:

All these empty benches waiting for tired wlakers ;-)))
21 months ago

Rosalyn Hilborne said:

It looks a beautiful place to walk and to take a seat!
Love he touches of autumn colour. HBM.
21 months ago

Keith Burton said:

Oooh, nice! I recognise Southsea Rose Gardens. A beautifully composed shot Ed.

The evening light is really beautiful and there is still a fair bit of colour around, particularly the red berries. The detail you've captured is fantastic, especially when viewed large, on black.
21 months ago

Cheryl Kelly (cher12… said:

Just gorgeous!
21 months ago ( translate )

* ઇઉ * said:

Most beautiful!
21 months ago

Christine Schiller said:

20 months ago ( translate )