
Nederland - Denekamp, Huis Singraven

Singraven is an estate near the town of Denekamp. It includes a manor, a garden, a water mill (dating back to1448), a carriage house (1868) and a number of farmhouses. The estate offers a versatile landscape with forests, lanes, fields, meadows, marshes and the ever-present river Dinkel.

Huis Singraven (Singraven Manor) has a rich history. In 1381, the estate is first mentioned as an agricultural farmstead Hof ten Singraven; property of the bishop of Utrecht. In 1398 the house came into the possession of a family who fortified it into a manor in 1415. After being owned by several families, the estate eventually came into the possession of Willem Frederik Jan Laan. This private owner was the last resident of Huis Singraven.

Mr Laan commissioned several substantial renovations and restorations, including a neo-classical façade. During the period he lived in the house, he amassed a huge art and antiques collection. Mr Laan gave ownership of the estate to the “Edwina van Heek Foundation” in 1956 under the condition that everything should continue to exist in its original state.

Huis Singraven has limited opening hours and can only be visited by a guided tour.
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Schussentäler said:

ein traumhaft schönes Landgut
5 months ago ( translate )

Roger (Grisly) said:

Beautiful building and a fine set of images, Japp
Great notes as always, HBM!
5 months ago

Madeleine Defawes said:

Superbe château dans un beau domaine !
Bonne semaine. Amitiés
5 months ago ( translate )

Herb Riddle said:

Another fine bit of architecture Jaap. Well done.

HBM, enjoy the day. Herb
5 months ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Impeccable et agréablement partagée et bien renseignée.
Bonne et heureuse journée paisible.
5 months ago ( translate )

Guy Bacca (guybac) said:

Une belle série d'images pour présenter ce vaste domaine et son château + un commentaire instructif
5 months ago ( translate )

Nouchetdu38 said:

A beautiful castle!!!
Thanks for sharing****
5 months ago

tiabunna said:

A very impressive estate and series of images, Jaap.
5 months ago ( translate )

grobi358 said:

Een geweldige serie en waardevolle informatie!
5 months ago ( translate )

Patrick Brandy said:

Magnifique manoir l'architecture est superbe merci pour l'info bonne journée.
5 months ago ( translate )

Christa1004 said:

An interesting series of images to present the castle and its surroundings. HBM Jaap.
5 months ago

Joe, Son of the Rock said:

I love this beautiful architecture. All the best, joe
5 months ago

gezginruh said:

Very beautiful architecture!

Best wishes
5 months ago ( translate )

Wierd Folkersma said:

een prachtige serie Jaap, HBM!
5 months ago ( translate )

Ecobird said:

Interesting notes and a lovely series of images Jaap. I particularly like the framing and view in the third PiP

Beautifully captured

HBM and have a good week
5 months ago