
Nederland - Huis Almelo

Huis Almelo (Manor Almelo) is first mentioned in the 13th century when Egbert of Almelo left in his will the legacy of his castle in Almelo on 6th June 1297. What the house looked like at the time is unknown. Later, around 1652, the original house was demolished and replaced with a new building by Zeger van Rechteren. By the end of that year the new brick-built house was ready for habitation.

Unfortunately all this beauty was to be short-lived due to the occupation of the troops of tishops Troops from Munster 1665-1666, when they inavded the Netherlands. This occupation led to considerable damage being caused to the home and after the troops departed, the slow job of restoring this once impressive home to its former glory. Commissioned by count Adolf Frederik the restoration work began and between 1883 and 1885 the house was fully restored and renewed.

To this day, Huis Almelo remains in the hands of the Van Rechteren Limpurg family. Being still inhabited it is not possible to vsit the manor and one has to be satisfied with looking at the manor from the entrance gate.
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Trudy Tuinstra said:

mooi!! HFF
5 months ago ( translate )

Patrice Leconte said:

Une belle invitation entrons visiter cette belle demeure.
5 months ago ( translate )

Nouchetdu38 said:

Beautiful castle, great shot!************
5 months ago

Guy Bacca (guybac) said:

Les grilles s'ouvrent accompagnant l'oeil jusqu'à cette très belle maison bien présentée ici.... Superbe PDV
5 months ago ( translate )

TOZ said:

A great entrance to this beautiful building Jaap.
Have a great day and weekend.
5 months ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Admirable et excellente capture bien renseignée et agréablement partagée.
HFF et heureuse fin de semaine paisible.
5 months ago ( translate )

Herb Riddle said:

A fine set of gates to this prohibited building Jaap. Well done.

HFF, enjoy the weekend. Herb
5 months ago

Madeleine Defawes said:

Superbe image !
HFF et Bon weekend. Amitiés
5 months ago ( translate )

grobi358 said:

Sehr prächtig und geschichtsträchtig ;))
5 months ago ( translate )

David Slater (Spodde… said:

HFF Jaap and happy weekend.
5 months ago ( translate )

Ronald Stachowiak said:

Statige entree ,
fijn weekeinde .
5 months ago ( translate )

photosofghosts said:

The gate opens onto a truly exceptional perspective!
All the best
5 months ago

Adele said:

Beautiful castle and great shot, Jaap
5 months ago

Julien Rappaport said:

Impressionnante entrée , Jaap
5 months ago ( translate )

LotharW said:

Klasse Arbeit, auch das PiP! HFF Jaaap und ein schönes Wochenede!
5 months ago ( translate )