Well I'm home and I really miss Turkey
I've been home now for over a week, almost two weeks really, but I am missing Mandi and also the way of life I led when I was there. Even though we are at least 10 degrees Celsius cooler here, it's so much easier doing things without that awful humidity out there. The problem is that I don't have transport and so I feel very isolated and stuck here. The weather is gorgeous and it would be so nice being able to just go to the beach and watch people or go on a little journey to somewhere nice. So this morning, I started looking on the net to see what used cars are available within the price range I've got and I was lucky to see there were quite a few, so I'm going to ask Emily's husband (he's a car mechanic) to have a look at them for me. With a bit of luck I should have transport soon!!!

Meanwhile all I've managed to do is walk around the house and top garden. There is an abundance of wild flowers, which seems to have gone rampant everywhere!!!!

As you can see the purple loosestrife is blooming well, and as for the Icelandic poppies, being so beautifully yellow, it looks as if the sun is out all the time.

I also noticed that the Lycesteria Formosa otherwise known as the Himalayan Honeysuckle has found a new place for its new plant. There used to be a large plant on my driveway, but now there's a new plant just outside my lounge window. So I can see the lovely flowers all the time.....

Meanwhile as soon as Pippin noticed I'd gone outside, he was around me constantly. He's even allowing me to take some pictures!!! Well he doesn't turn his head so much, but his face does seem to show his disapproval....

Meanwhile indoors, in my lounge which has a large bay window, my houseplants have superceded my expectations, especially the hoya. It's gone balllistic. I've got close on 20 blooms with more to come. As it was a lovely sunny day yesterday, I noticed that the sun was shining through the blooms in a gorgeous way.

I've also got a plant that I've forgotten the name of, but I hope someone out there will be able to tell me what it is....

Do you remember all my gorgeous apple blossom? Well it indicated a good supply of apples and they're right - there are small apples starting to grow!!!

Great - now I'll soon be able to have apple crumbles galore!!!

You can see why I took so many pictures can't you? I hope you all have a great time with the rest of the week.


Bee Orchid said:

Lovely photos Jenny, you do have some beautiful plants.
This is plenty warm enough for me though the temperature is set to rise again over the next few days.
Hope you can find a decent car in your price range so you'll have some independence again.
4 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Bee Orchid:

Thanks Fran. I'm very fortunate that my plants don't really require looking after!!!!! I remember to water the indoor ones but that's about all.

Yes I'm hoping to find a car in my price range - in fact I'm hoping it's going to be in the bottom of my price if I'm lucky!!!!
4 years ago

Gracie said:

I think your plant is an flamingo flower or also known as Anthurium. Very prettty as are all your flowers. I love the yellow.
Good thing your neighbor is a mechanic. Very helpful. He's certainly in a position to come across a good deal. Good luck.
4 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Gracie:

I think you're right Gracie, I seem to remember the name - it sounds familiar to me. All my flowers are all self-seeded and wild, so I can't take any credit for them.

It's my cleaner, Emily, whose husband is a mechanic. He works in a garage which deals with second hand cars too. I do (in a way) have a mechanic living opposite me, but he's just finished being the Mayor of the town and has already been re-elected onto the council so I can't see him having time to look for second hand cars for me - can you? LOL
4 years ago

Janet Brien said:

Absolutely marvelous!!! LOL "...my Hoya has gone ballistic!" HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!

Great pictures, and I hope you manage to get a car for yourself!!
4 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Janet Brien:

Well it has hasn't it? Ever since it was re-potted, it seems to have been re-energised considering it's at least 25 to 30 years old!!!! It's wonderful seeing all the flowers on it.

Yes I would really love to get myself a car so I can start seeing more than my house and garden. I've got Emily's husband on the look out for me - he's a mechanic!!
4 years ago

Pat Del said:

Lovely flowers, Jenny ! I like specially the fuschias !
Now, I hope you'll find easily a nice second hand car : a Bentley by instance ...
4 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Pat Del:

Je suis ravie que les photos vous plaisent, Pat. Je ne sais pas quelles plantes vous pensiez être des fuschias, mais je n'en ai aucune - c'est peut-être le chèvrefeuille de l'Himalaya que vous pensiez être des fuschias.

Je voudrais vraiment une nouvelle voiture mais une Bentley - euh non merci - je ne pourrais jamais la conduire dans mon allée et la retourner pour la redescendre !! Je veux juste une voiture, de préférence une automatique, et une direction assistée pour pouvoir sortir. Je ne conduirai pas sur de longues distances, je n'ai donc pas nécessairement besoin d'une voiture économe en carburant - il devrait donc être moins cher à trouver !!!
4 years ago ( translate )

Valfal said:

I'm playing catch up with your blogs! What beautiful flowers you are surrounded by! That Himalayan honeysuckle and hoya are simply divine! :-))

I wish you much luck on getting a good used car. Despite the cost of owning a car, there is nothing like the freedom to go where you want when you want.
4 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Valfal:

Thanks Val - I'm so pleased that you like my plants - well the ones you can see. I find it difficult to do any gardening, so to have these beautiful plants self sowing, I'm eternally grateful.

Yes that's exactly what I need - the ability to go where and when I want to go. At the moment I am stuck here indoors not being able to go anywhere without someone taking me. This afternoon, I actually went out with my neighbour to go shopping and it was the first time I'd left my home since I came back from Turkey - almost 4 weeks!!!! So to have my own transport would make such a difference to me.
4 years ago