The Best They Can Do?
I was up early today, couldn’t sleep. Checked the news, and I’m flabbergasted!

Despite making Lockdown rules, breaking said rules, then lying about breaking said rules, being fined by the police (a paltry sum) BoJo the Clown is still our PM. You couldn’t make it up! Is this really the best the Conservative party have to offer? A man who lies to his party and the public? Well, he got one thing right: We got away with it.

My son suggests this is a good thing as now, he hopes, the conservative party are finished and will be trounced in the next GE. That’s a long way off…

His party have now, mostly, given him carte blanche to continue to lie and party his way through the remainder of his term. Shame on them!

I for one will never believe a word this man now says. What kind of leader is that for a country?


Gracie said:

Same type we have. A lousy one. Although ours is actively making decisions that are ruining us. Quickly. The usa as I know it is in a death spiral.. Almost completely due to the current imbecille in chief and his administration..
22 months ago

Bee Orchid said:

Thanks Gracie. Too much of his kind around for my liking; arrogant, and thinks the rules don't apply. Terrible to see that he's right in this assumption.
22 months ago

StoneRoad2013 said:

As, I think it was Dave Allen said this ...
"How do you tell if a Politician is lying ?"
"His mouth is moving"

[DA was a well-known comedian, and his remarks were [at the time] directed specifically against politicians involved in Northern Ireland's complex political landscape. But those remarks have been quoted against many others, on all sides the spectrum]

As for BoJo, he's a clown, liar and a bl00dy awful example.
Perhaps the reason the UK has weathered covid-19 at all - and the death toll has been horrific - is because the medical profession developed vaccines as quickly as they did, and the rollout was efficient, even if it didn't get everybody boosted [and, luckily, omicron's usually very mild even if highly transmissible] ...
Don't get me started on the way the economy [cost of living] was, and still is, being mis-handled.
22 months ago

Bee Orchid said:

Thanks. I remember DA well and was a big fan of his at the time.

No argument from me. I applaud the NHS for the vaccine rollout.

Terrible situation with rising costs. Petrol costs are obscene, and I'm so grateful that I have a job only a few miles from home so don't have to fill up often. Retail spending is down, apparently. Well D'uh. The money people have will only go so far.
22 months ago