This past week has been quite busy. I had my hearing test and turned up 7 minutes before my appointment time only to find out that the audiology department were now in a separate building. Thankfully it wasn’t too far, and I got there just in time. Apparently, they’d moved at least 2 years previous, though the appointment details failed to list this fact, and gave the address for the sight department instead. That’s helpful! So, I was asked lots of questions, then I sat in a tiny booth, with headphones on, and listened to a series of tones. Just like the real world then. Anyway, I have some age-related hearing loss, though it’s not enough to warrant a hearing aid yet. I’ve let my manager know, and suggested she get my attention before asking me things as I often can’t hear her with all the other noise going on.

I managed to politely decline any and all overtime until Sunday, where I’d already agreed to work 3 hours overtime, on top of my 4-hour shift. Working just over 7 hours was hard work! The store was really busy, and seemed full of grizzling babies, and kids running around. I almost ran into one with my trolley, managed to avoid him, and just glared at him. Unlike a previous customer, he did not burst into flames and crumble to dust LMAO.

I felt fine in work, though by Sunday evening I was ‘suffering.’ I’d sneezed so hard just before my shift that I had a slight nosebleed, and this just got worse with me feeling stuffed up and experiencing a headache. I put it down to hay fever; it’s that time of year folks. I’d already had a hay fever pill, then took paracetamol before bed, and used some decongestant gel. I had a terrible night.

Monday, I dosed myself up again, and in the afternoon dragged my weary body off for my long-awaited X-ray. We have to wear a mask anyway in health centres, and I knew this was just a cold or bad hay fever, so I attended. No way was I going to miss an appointment that has been 4 months in the waiting! Luckily, I have a car, and an old Satnav; I never would have got there otherwise, unless I’d taken a taxi. They took 3 X-rays in total, and even though I suspected otherwise, I asked them if they could tell me any details. As expected, they said no, and that it would take about 10 days to get the results. So, still waiting to know what’s going on then. Monday night I slept a little better though the bar hadn’t been set that high.

This week, I’m scheduled to work 4 hours overtime in total, then I’ve picked up an extra shift of four hours for the Monday. I’m working the following Bank Holiday Monday too, 6 hours overtime, though I will have Easter Sunday off as we’re closed. Something to look forward to :)

We have a new system that’s being trialled whereby you can see what overtime is on offer, and then book it. The only downside, and I’m not the only one to say this, is that they’re blocks of time with no option to book just one or two hours. We’re still being offered the work by the supervisor, so I won’t be missing out any time soon. It’s all good, especially with all the bills rising so fast at the moment.

Weather is warmer though wetter. Sunshine is nice, though I’m fed up of being cold so the warmer weather, even if wet, is better. Enjoy the rest of the week.


Gracie said:

Sorry your allergies have kicked in already. Mine are annoying but you do seem to suffer. At the moment I just have to keep tissues with me as I am forever needing to blow my nose,
The hearing loss sounds mainly normal. I had the test a few months ago when my ears started ringing. Basically the same, age related but not bad. Although like you ambient noise makes it difficult.
10 days for Xray results? They are slower than snails!
Here’s hoping for some nice weather. Currently the same as you, not too cold just wet.
2 years ago

Bee Orchid said:

Thanks Gracie. I've had hay fever every year since the mid 1970's so I'm used to it, though it can be a drag. Costs a fortune in tissues! lol

In a room, with just one person talking, isn't an issue but on the shop floor, with music, and lots of people talking, I find it very hard to focus on one person asking me a question.

Everything is slow, same tired old excuse - Covid. Getting boring now...
2 years ago

Gracie replied to Bee Orchid:

GETTING boring?? Lame is more like it..
2 years ago

Jenny McIntyre said:

Oh I'm the same as you Fran. I can't distinguish separate voices if there are lots of talking around me. I'm virtually deaf in my right ear and if I should lie on my left , then I don't hear anything unless it's really loud!!! It's rather odd that the overtime is done in large amounts, rather than in small doses - there are enough people who would welcome doing just a few extra hours, rather than long amounts.

As for your allergies - I am sorry to hear this. I don't realise how bad it is for others, because I only have a little sneeze first thing in the morning. I don't feel I'm allergic to animals or pollen.

10 days for the results of your X-ray? What is going on? They should be able to say within a couple of hours. Mind you - if it's going to take 10 days, then there shouldn't be too much to worry about.
2 years ago

Bee Orchid said:

Thanks Jenny.
It is difficult, in a noisy room.

Yep, hay fever, some eczema, allergies. I'm a wonderful specimen lol

I wondered that. I'm sure if it was broken they would have said something.
2 years ago