Rajeev Khana← publicly active Lucus Oliver Wiener Tarockcup← publicly active Christoph Blau← publicly active Cristian Cernat Maria Rainer-Giotto← publicly active Suhani Shah Mark Balsiger Beat Loosli Abhishek Kumawat← publicly active ---------------------------------------- ----------------------- D…
6 days ago / 17 527 visits / 135 comments / 61 people like
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Additional viewing size option. When viewing group contributions, the 'Small' option displayed the 100px images. Everywhere else, the display used the cropped 75px squares. Beside the existing icon for this option, now labeled 'Square', there is a new icon fo…
6 days ago / 444 visits / 30 comments / 10 people like