Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Is a group active? In order to support the current efforts by our members to improve the perception of groups, especially to visitors, a new feature has been added to assist them. On a group's homepage, the blue (?) icon beside 'Latest contributions' shows…
2 weeks ago / 755 visits / 34 comments / 19 people like
Mireille Marignac-Vinais← publicly active Thomas Lamp← publicly active Didier Foulard Katrina Anto Michael Thon← publicly active ------------------------------- Rajeev Khana Lucus Oliver Wiener Tarockcup← publicly active Christoph Blau← publicly active Cristian Cernat Maria Rainer-Giotto← publicly a…
2 weeks ago / 17 891 visits / 136 comments / 61 people like