
Rodungsstop :-))

5.10.2018 - Hambacher Forst
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Fallnetöm said:

5 years ago ( translate )

Fallnetöm said:

Ob der Wolf von Weisweiler sich nun zurückzieht ... ?
5 years ago ( translate )

Marta Wojtkowska said:

I sincerely hope that this beautiful forest is not doomed by accompanying darkness...
5 years ago

Fallnetöm replied to Marta Wojtkowska:

Today 50.000 people celebrated on site in the forest, that the clearing of the "Hambacher Forst" for digging brown coal is stopped by court (at least until 2020 to further clarify the necessity) .

A sign of hope - yes!

So many people are happy that their protest has now come some result against the politicans and industry. A sign against the resignation and usally hopeless protest against the lobbyists!
5 years ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

W#onderful backlit image !!
Have a nice weekend.
5 years ago

Ulrich John said:

Tolles Gegenlicht, tolle Perspektive !
5 years ago ( translate )

(*NIKonGT*) said:

danke dir für diese wunderschönen Bilder , gut das die Natur geschont wird - hoffentlich auch nach 2020.
5 years ago ( translate )

Graham Hughes said:

5 years ago ( translate )

Globalpayer said:

Klasse Aufnahme, ernstes Thema!
5 years ago ( translate )

Marta Wojtkowska said:

That's really great!
5 years ago

Annemarie said:

a beautiful photo:)
HANWE also:)
5 years ago