
Mirada mágica (Fusión artística)

Composición realizada directamente al ordenador con mi nieto Adán. Realizar este trabajo con Adán ha sido una experiencia realmente mágica :)
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Roger (Grisly) said:

Hi Michelle, An original work with fabulous colours,
Looks like you had fun.
2 years ago

Michelle Chouchou replied to Roger (Grisly):

Oui mon ami Roger, l'expérience était très amusante :)
2 years ago ( translate )

sea-herdorf said:

Es bereitet sicher eine große freude mit dem Enkel eine so farbenprächtige Kreation zu erstellen, Michelle.
Schöne Grüße an euch
2 years ago ( translate )

Michelle Chouchou replied to sea-herdorf:

Merci beaucoup pour ce commentaire aussi beau et précis l'ami Erich.
2 years ago ( translate )

* ઇઉ * said:

A fantastic result of your collaboration, Michelle!
Congratulations to both of you!
2 years ago

Michelle Chouchou replied to * ઇઉ *:

Merci beaucoup cher papillon :)
2 years ago ( translate )

Nicole Merdrignac said:

Suèperbe composition. Nicole.
2 years ago ( translate )

RHH said:

Nicely captured, Michelle.
2 years ago

RHH said:

Thanks for your visit.
2 years ago

RHH said:

Have a good day.
2 years ago ( translate )

William Sutherland said:

Outstanding and impressive work of art! Stay well!
2 years ago

micritter said:

A wonderful creation, Michelle. More so that it was a product of collaboration with your grandson, Adán. I always enjoy your work. Thank you so much for your visit and kind comments.
2 years ago

Rosalyn Hilborne said:

That is very clever and a beautiful picture Michelle.
2 years ago

Nora Caracci said:

grande obra de arte !!!
2 years ago ( translate )

tiabunna said:

Great computer graphics, Michelle.
2 years ago