
Herb Rosemary

Growing in my garden.

Have a good new week everyone :-)
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Annemarie said:

can smell it

beautiful image

Wish you a sunny week ahead!
3 months ago

Keith Burton replied to Annemarie:

That's clever Annemarie :-) Thank you so much.
3 months ago

TOZ said:

Super Image of this rosemary lots of detail when viewed full screen nice job.
All the best TOZ
3 months ago

Keith Burton replied to TOZ:

Many thanks TOZ..........glad you like it.
3 months ago

Günter Klaus said:

Herrlich hast du diesen Rosmarin mit dem schönen Sonnenlicht fotografiert lieber Keith,über so ein Licht freut man sich als Fotograf immer,du hast auch für ein wunderbares Bokeh gesorgt,es ist ein feiner Duft in deinen Garten :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Wochenstart,liebe Grüße Güni :))
3 months ago ( translate )

Keith Burton replied to Günter Klaus:

Thank you very much Güni................we've had this plant in a large pot for a couple of years now and this is the first time it's had any flowers. Glad you like the photo.

Enjoy the rest of the evening!
3 months ago

J.Garcia said:

The scent is missing and the image would be totally perfect..
Enjoy, Keith!
3 months ago

Keith Burton replied to J.Garcia:

Sorry about that Judite.........but glad you like the photo! Perhaps you should check with Annemarie above as she say's she can smell it :-)))
3 months ago

Diana Australis said:

With its spring colours too, Keith! ❤️—- nice one.
3 months ago

Keith Burton replied to Diana Australis:

Thanks very much Diana...............you're very kind as always.
3 months ago

Mikus said:

Herrlich blühend, dieser Rosmarin. Ein Leckerbissen für die Augen ;-)) Einen tollen Wochenstart, Keith.
3 months ago ( translate )

Keith Burton replied to Mikus:

Thank you kind sir..............I'm pleased you like this one. Always appreciated.
3 months ago

Ulrich John said:

Like the one on our balcony ! Like the smell and I like the blooming so early in the year ! Nicely captured, Keith !
3 months ago

Keith Burton replied to Ulrich John:

Glad you approve Ulrich..............I'm glad you like the photo but I'm sorry I couldn't provide the smell unfortunately :-))
3 months ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Wonderful floral close-up; great use of bokeh.
3 months ago