
2017 Total Eclipse Sequence

This was the sequence of the total solar eclipse back in 2017 showing the complete sequence of before, during and after totality. I was there with 3 other people and we enjoyed it together - it was awesome! There were also two young couples who drove all the way from New Hampshire and they stationed themselves close by us. All of us chatted and had a good time during the eclipse. There were a few small clouds that had wandered through prior to the start of the eclipse, but were gone by the time the eclipse reached totality. This one was quite near my home, about 30 minutes away, but not like the one on April 8th, 2024 this past Monday that went right over my house.

Taken on August 21st, 2017, with my Sony Alpha SLT-a77V DSLR.
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John FitzGerald said:

A magbificent photo, Kenneth.
3 months ago

HaarFager replied to John FitzGerald:

Thank you, John!
3 months ago

Annemarie said:

fantastic work
Happy Sunday.
3 months ago ( translate )