
Speed Kills

I was driving back home today when this accident happened only a couple minutes in front of me. When I got there, emergency workers hadn't even arrived, as you can see.

What happened, according to eyewitnesses I spoke to, a car travelling about 80 miles per hour was passing another car on a curve. A semi truck was coming the other way and the passing car and the semi collided head on. The semi driver was helped to safety by the person in the car that was being passed, and who had wisely slammed on their brakes to avoid getting involved in the accident themselves. The people in the other car most likely died from the impact. If not, they were burned to death in the ensuing firestorm that erupted.

People, please drive carefully! The life you save might be your own.
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Andrew Trundlewagon said:

Tragic. Three lives lost trying to save half a minute.
12 months ago