
Bella and Ian

Sunday Challenge 47 Relationship between man and animal

Bella, our Jack Highland Terrier, thinks she owns us :-) Only our cat Dora has higher ranking, as Queen of the household. Bella adores Dora, and also loves Angus, our West Highland White Terrier.

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Gudrun said:

They both look happy and relaxed!
14 months ago

Gillian Everett replied to Gudrun:

This happens regularly. We have never had a lap dog before, quite an experience...
13 months ago ( translate )

Esther said:

Aw... that is adorable.
14 months ago

Gillian Everett replied to Esther:

Thanks Esther
13 months ago

Roger Bennion said:

Delightful photos. They work great in mono, Gillian.
13 months ago

Gillian Everett replied to Roger Bennion:

Thanks Roger.
13 months ago

Jenny McIntyre said:

Oh it looks a very happy family - where's the picture of Dora? Your dogs are adorable, even though I'm a cat person preferably, I would be happy to have your dogs here with me.
13 months ago

Gillian Everett replied to Jenny McIntyre:

Here is Dora :-)
Dora 2023
13 months ago ( translate )

Amelia said:

West Highland terriers once used to hunt rodents, but it appears hat they a;so love to be love by their owners. A lovely relationship here.
13 months ago

Xata said:

Perfect harmony at home then ! They are family indeed. Love your main photo, I feel they are both happy
13 months ago

M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… said:

Lovely captures of all photos Gillian & of course not leaving Dora out !!!
13 months ago

Annemarie said:

this is wonderful
13 months ago

Wierd Folkersma said:

she is a heart breaker
13 months ago

PhLB - Luc Boonen said:

Fine images, I love the ranking as well ;-)
13 months ago

Eunice Perkins said:

That is soooo cute!
13 months ago