
Old man Mango with a PIP

The PIP is the same pip of this mango
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Max Biobauer said:

Dein Obst scheint äußerst gefährlich zu sein. ;-)
14 months ago ( translate )

Eva Lewitus replied to Max Biobauer:

Luckily I didn´t see that face, only after I had eaten the fruit.
14 months ago

Boarischa Krautmo said:

er schaut böse....
14 months ago ( translate )

Eva Lewitus said:

Und die Frucht, war so unglaublich süss!
14 months ago ( translate )

Ulrich John said:

Cool !
14 months ago ( translate )

Eva Lewitus replied to Ulrich John:

Vielen Dank, Ulrich
14 months ago ( translate )

cammino said:

14 months ago ( translate )

Rrrolf said:

Ein weiteres tolles "Found faces"-Motiv! Toll gesehen.
14 months ago ( translate )