
A tomb effigy full of secrets - HBM

In the almost 1000-year-old church of Notre-Dame-sur-l'Eau, the only tomb effigy in the Orne department can be found in the south transept (a tomb effigy is a funerary statue representing a deceased person recumbent). It is depicted wearing typical 15th century armour, but the archive texts mention that the person depicted was a nobleman from the Ledin de la Chaslerie family. However, this person had lived in the 17th century! Mysteries of history...

UN GISANT PLEIN DE SECRETS. À l’église presque millénaire.Notre-Dame-sur-l’Eau, on peut découvrir le seul gisant de l'Orne dans le transept Sud (un gisant est une statue funéraire représentant un défunt étendu). Celui-ci a été représenté avec une armure typique du XVe siècle, mais les textes d’archives mentionnent que la personne représentée fut un noble de la famille Ledin de la Chaslerie. Cependant, cette personne avait vécu au XVIIe siècle ! Mystères de l'histoire...

EIN GISANT VOLLER GEHEIMNISSE. In der fast 1000-jährigen Kirche Notre-Dame-sur-l'Eau kann man im südlichen Querschiff den einzigen Gisant des Departments Orne entdecken (ein Gisant ist eine Grabfigur, die einen liegenden Verstorbenen darstellt). Dieser wurde mit einer typischen Rüstung aus dem 15. Jh. dargestellt, doch in den Archivtexten wird erwähnt, dass es sich bei der dargestellten Person um einen Adligen aus der Familie Ledin de la Chaslerie handelte. Diese Person hatte jedoch im 17. Jh. gelebt ! Geheimnisse der Geschichte...

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Jaap van 't Veen said:

beautiful tomb; well captured.
13 months ago

Christa1004 replied to Jaap van 't Veen:

Thanks Jaap, an interesting find. Have a good week.
13 months ago

J. Gafarot said:

Jaap voit juste.
La photo grande est très belle et l'endoit magnifique.
13 months ago ( translate )

Nouchetdu38 said:

Une oeuvre superbe et effectivement mystérieuse!
Bonne semaine****
13 months ago ( translate )

Xata said:

Maybe the artist found a XVth century armour was more imponent...
HBM Christa
13 months ago

tiabunna said:

Ineresting notes and images, Christa. HBM and have a good week.
13 months ago

Herb Riddle said:

A strange story for sure. Thanks for sharing.

HBM, enjoy the week. Herb
13 months ago

Roger (Grisly) said:

Interesting capture and an unusual story Christa
HBM and a good week
13 months ago

Ecobird said:

Two excellent images Christa and an interesting story. I imagine these oddities happened all the time. Even with more recent history different sources will give different dates for events or construction and opening dates of structures, so a little poetic licence by the sculptor so many years ago may be forgiven!!!

HBM and have a good week
13 months ago

John Lawrence said:

Thanks for posting your wonderful picture to the Churches and all religious buildings group

www.ipernity.com/group/churches and all religious buildings
13 months ago

Dinesh said:

Beautiful image. Thanks for the info HBM Have a great week
13 months ago

Kawasirius said:

Un repos éternel pour lequel il serait difficile de découvrir son passé bien que ses origines soient connues ! Un partage intéressant, Christa !
Bonne semaine, HBM !
13 months ago ( translate )

Anton Cruz Carro said:

Consistency could only be maintained if this gentleman had lived 200 years. It's really a mystery. Have a nice new week, Christa.
13 months ago

Boarischa Krautmo said:

und vor allem: Warum hat man ihm den Mund mit einem Pflaster verklebt?
Sehr mysteriös... ;-)
HBM und eine schöne Woche!
13 months ago ( translate )

trester88 said:

Ohne Geheimnisse wäre unsere Welt langweilig.
HBM und einen guten Start in die Woche, Christa!
13 months ago ( translate )