

Hasselblad 907X-50C / XV / CFE 2,8/80
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Pics-UM said:

Schönes Motiv mit passender s/w Bearbeitung, Gruß Uwe
17 months ago ( translate )

Boro said:

Superbe **
17 months ago ( translate )

LotharW said:

Im Sommer, wenn die Bäume Blätter tragen,sicher ganz schwierig zu entdecken. Top!
17 months ago ( translate )

Peter Castell said:

A dramatic image with the dark clouds surrounding the tower and trees
17 months ago

Jean-Paul said:

Da kommen mir spontan die ersten zwei Zeilen von Baudelaire's "Spleen" in den Kopf:
"Quand le ciel bas et lourd,
pèse comme un couvercle..."
17 months ago ( translate )

Malik Raoulda said:

SUBLIME et excellemment rendue en noir et blanc et bien enjolivée avec cette magnifique nébulosité.
Bonne fin de soirée.
17 months ago ( translate )

Annemarie said:

wonderful BW!
17 months ago ( translate )

Nouchetdu38 said:

Sehr SCHÖN****
17 months ago ( translate )

Keith Burton said:

A fabulous black and white image.............I love the dramatic sky and the light is lovely. The tower amongst the trees looks interesting. Beautifully captured Volker!
17 months ago

elvigiadelosamanecer… said:

Una maravilla
17 months ago ( translate )

Jean-louis Thiaudier… said:

Superbe en noir et blanc**** Une ambiance vampirique!!
17 months ago ( translate )

Nathalie said:

Superbe !!
17 months ago ( translate )

Marek Ewjan Stachows… said:

interesting such a lonely tower, very attractive b/w picture
with greetings → Marek-Ewjan
17 months ago

Frank J Casella said:

Great black and white. Lovely light and contrasts,
17 months ago

niraK68 said:

16 months ago ( translate )