
Stone house.

The royal iron factory, Araçoiaba, São Paulo.
Rolleiflex 3,5 F Planar, Fuji Acros @80 iso. Parodinal 1:50 8' @22ºC continuous rotation with Uniroller. Scanner DT-S 1030ai
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Annemarie said:

beautiful details
6 years ago ( translate )

Malik Raoulda said:

Bien vu et bien rendu +++++++
6 years ago ( translate )

autofantasia said:

Looking good on the newly 'restored' and fully functioning Explore! :)
6 years ago

Valfal said:

Beautiful capture of the detail and texture of the stone wall!
6 years ago

Marta Wojtkowska said:

The wall tells stories of the past.
6 years ago

Don Sutherland said:

Amazing shot.
6 years ago

Anton Cruz Carro said:

El encanto de lo antiguo. Me aburren tanto rascacielo acristalado. Un saludo cordial, Anton.
4 years ago ( translate )