
the tempest

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PascalL said:

superbe image, bonne soirée
8 months ago ( translate )

Jeanne chevillard said:

La mer est agitée
8 months ago ( translate )

Christel Ehretsmann replied to Jeanne chevillard:

le lac d'Annecy, Jeanne !
8 months ago ( translate )

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Wonderful vista; well chosen low pov!!
8 months ago

Boro said:

Superbe **********
8 months ago ( translate )

Boarischa Krautmo said:

sehr schön!
8 months ago ( translate )

Malik Raoulda said:

Un paysage de rêve bien enjolivé par cet arrière-plan
montagneux enneigé et cette magnifique nébulosité .
Bonne et agréable fin de soirée.
8 months ago ( translate )

vero said:

Une photo à sensation forte, du lac d' Annecy, , une vue spectaculaire mouvementée très belles montagnes enneigées une photo d'art parfaite, Chrystel bravo, c'est d'une extrême beauté, Christel belle et douce soirée bisous;
8 months ago ( translate )

Dominique 60 said:

tel une mer agité !!
8 months ago ( translate )

©UdoSm said:

An eerie atmosphere...
8 months ago ( translate )

tiabunna said:

Well captured, with the snowy mountains a great backdrop.
8 months ago

Ulrich John said:

Fine composition, Christel. With rocks in the foreground and the mountains in the back. And the sea:like a living thing ! Also the colors are really great.
8 months ago

m̌ ḫ said:

I have been noticing your great photographs for years. Mostly portraits. However, you are also showing great ability to capture fantastic landscapes. Kudos!
8 months ago

Keith Burton said:

Beautifully composed. I love the textures and sense of movement in the water and the dramatic sky. The mountains make a magnificent backdrop.

Great weather for windsurfing!
8 months ago

Annemarie said:

wonderful image

Happy evening!
8 months ago ( translate )