
Forever In My Heart

Sadly, our Bob died suddenly and unexpectedly on November 26, 2022. I was his human and he created rituals he loved to do with me every day. Miss him so very much, and it all seems so unreal. One minute he was happily playing, went for a nap, and 20 minutes later he was gone.
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Typo93 said:

It's very sad :-(((( He was so young...
2 years ago

Narelle Moreno replied to Typo93:

Thanks. It has been so difficult. He was so young, and it was so sudden, and out of all our cats, he was the one that never had any health issues and was still developing perfectly. Our vet thinks he must have had an aneurysm. I had been imagining us growing old together, him with silver streaks in his fur, me tottering around to make sure he had everything his heart desired. I am taking it a day at a time, and due to my husband wanting another male to balance out the energy in the house and hopefully cheer up our fur family some, we have a new boy joining us in a few weeks. He can never replace Bob Dylan as he is irreplaceable, but this little man will be his own self, and help us heal with love.
2 years ago

xenophora said:

Bob looks so sweet here! I'm sorry for your loss. <3
2 years ago

ColRam said:

La vie est ainsi faite,
Bon courage
17 months ago ( translate )