On 1 March 1943, thirty-six bombers of the 12th Air Force dropped 94 tons of bombs over the harbour: of Palermo; the objective was hit, disabling the drydock and sinking the destroyer Geniere and some smaller vessels, but once again part of the bombs fell on the city, hitting among other things the Cathedral.
Jaap van 't Veen said:
Well seen and captured Annemarie.
Ko Hummel said:
Makrofan said:
William Sutherland said:
Admired in: www.ipernity.com/group/tolerance
sunlight said:
Krieg ist furchtbar!!!
Léopold said:
Walter 7.8.1956 said:
Wierd Folkersma said:
Joe, Son of the Rock said:
J. Gafarot said:
I was already living in this crazy world.
HWW to you and one fresh Good Morning.
Krisonteme said:
Xata said:
HWW Annamaria
Percy Schramm said:
Malik Raoulda said:
HWW et Bonne journée paisible.
LotharW said: