
Los Angeles Graffiti

Los Angeles, CA

Note: The below photos were also taken in Los Angeles, CA on 6 February 2024:
Los Angeles Graffiti 002 02062024
Los Angeles Graffiti 003 02062024
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Kayleigh said:

Sie wecken die Erinnerung an alte Zeichnungen aus Russland, berührend in ihrer einfachen Darstellung. Danke für diese Dokumente im "Hier und Jetzt" und doch aus einer anderen Zeit.

Schönen Sonntag für dich William.
5 months ago ( translate )

William Sutherland replied to Kayleigh:

Those were my thoughts too when I came across the tram stop with this graffiti portraits. They reminded my of Russian babushkas. It seems part of Los Angeles is a throwback to the past ('70s and '80s).
4 months ago

Annemarie said:

an other nice pic of this graffitis
5 months ago

Günter Klaus said:

Da hast du sehr schöne Schriftzüge entdeckt lieber Wilhelm,hast du wunderbar gezeigt :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Sonntag,liebe Grüße Güni :))
5 months ago ( translate )

Joe, Son of the Rock said:

Very creative artwork! Have a great Sunday! All the best, Joe
5 months ago

vero said:

bonjour William, très belles peintures murales d'art, j'aime, très belle journée , amicalement
5 months ago ( translate )

Don Sutherland said:

More exceptional examples of street art.
5 months ago ( translate )

Mikus said:

Klasse Fundstücke.
5 months ago ( translate )

Michelle Chouchou said:

Le graffiti a toujours un contenu intéressant.
5 months ago ( translate )

Malik Raoulda said:

Admirables et excellentes graffitis agréablement présentées et partagées.
Bonne et agréable semaine à venir.
4 months ago ( translate )

José Manuel Polo said:

Multi grafittis.
4 months ago ( translate )

William Sutherland said:

Thank you Kayleigh, Annemarie, Gunter, Joe, Vero, Don, Mikus, Michelle, Malik and Jose!
4 months ago ( translate )

Esther said:

You really found a lot of graffiti in your travels.
4 months ago

William Sutherland said:

Yes I did Esther. Aside from family, it was one of the things I planned on looking for when I was in LA. Thank you!
4 months ago

Diana Australis said:

Very interesting..especially the babushkas….
4 months ago