
Hangers Abstract

Mamaroneck, NY
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Malik Raoulda said:

Une belle abstraction excellemment exécutée et admirablement partagée. Votre travail est vraiment fascinant et remarquable.
Bonne et agréable fin de soirée.
21 months ago ( translate )

William Sutherland said:

Thank you Malik for the kind words! Stay well!
21 months ago

Aus Blue said:

is that blood on the pavement ??..stay safe william
21 months ago

William Sutherland said:

No, it's not blood on the pavement. I wouldn't create digital art from blood or someone's misfortune. It rained hours earlier and it's a collection of tiny particles and mud and water on the pavement. Thank you and stay well Aus Blue!
21 months ago

Aus Blue replied to William Sutherland:

ok thats good its not blood :)
21 months ago

Eric Desjours said:

Basic hangers have multiplied with ready-to-wear: once put on the wardrobe they are grabbed by the customer and then thrown away and recycled. "Disposable" has become the common feature of all consumer items, against the environmental conservation measures that are known as crucial today.
This may not be your point, William, sorry! The thematic and graphic balance, and the graffiti-like unity, which you describe as abstract, of your composition jump out at us and contribute to its undeniable appeal. And to its subliminal message about our modern society...
Have a nice day, stay well !
21 months ago

William Sutherland replied to Eric Desjours:

I think they've proliferated too much. I can't say I'm much of a fan of this disposable culture.
21 months ago

Krisonteme said:

Un petit sourire, malgré tout le chaos :-))
21 months ago ( translate )

cp_u said:

I fully agree with Eric!
Thanks for this excellent work, William!
21 months ago

Xata said:

Love the little smiling smiley!
21 months ago

William Sutherland said:

Thank you Eric, Krisonteme, Claus-Peter, and Xata. Stay well!
21 months ago

Günter Klaus said:

Eine wunderbares Kunstwerk lieber William,mir gefällt auch sehr gut diese feinen Linien,die da verlaufen :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Tag,ganz liebe Grüße Güni :))
21 months ago ( translate )

* ઇઉ * said:

Despite the title, I first thought of a map. :)
Excellent work with wonderful structures and textures, William!
21 months ago

Annemarie said:

this is again a beautiful work.........

Happy wednesday
21 months ago

Nora Caracci said:

superb pictorial work !
21 months ago ( translate )