
Reutte Österrreich

HFF + schönes Wochenende!
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J.Garcia said:

The heat squeezes...
The tree and shadow came at the right time..
The delightful placidity of a summer afternoon...
Feelings wonderfully captured, Adam
HFF and nice weekend too!
13 months ago

Stephan Fey said:

Idylle pur!
13 months ago ( translate )

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Beautiful landscape image
13 months ago ( translate )

Peter Castell said:

A wonderful landscape the cattle are enjoying the shade
13 months ago

Max Biobauer said:

Urbane Idealvorstellung ländlichen Lebens. ;-) HFF
13 months ago ( translate )

Erika+Manfred said:

HFF und ein angenehmes Wochenende
13 months ago ( translate )

Annemarie said:

well done!
beautiful image, very bucolic

wish you a happy FF!
13 months ago

Xata said:

Happy cows with abundance of pasture and also shadow, HFF Adam
13 months ago

Fred Fouarge said:

HFF-E Adam
13 months ago ( translate )

Frank J Casella said:

Postcard Perfect!! HFF!
13 months ago

Ulrich John said:

HFF, Adam !
13 months ago ( translate )

Albrecht Girle said:

Ein Bild zum Z drücken und tief Luft holen.
HFF, Adam.
13 months ago ( translate )

Ecobird said:

A very peaceful and beautiful scene Adam. The cows have found the perfect shady spot to relax in.

HFF and have a good weekend
13 months ago

Leon_Vienna said:

Und rechts oben hat sich doch noch ein Stromkabel in die Idylle hinein gerettet! ;-))
5 months ago ( translate )