
The guardians

HFF from a very remote high altitude village in North Pakistan. The ‘fence’ is one side of a long vehicle suspension bridge across the high up headwaters of the young Indus River. The bridge has seen better days. These local villagers take turns to bang down the nails along the bridge bed every time a vehicle crosses. I see them as the gatekeepers of the village!

May your Friday be fine and cheerful, and your weekend filled with things which make you very happy.
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tiabunna said:

An interesting image and information, Diana. I'm fascinated that the nails need hammering after every vehicle, this bridge sounds very tired indeed. HFF and I hope you and John have a great weekend. Big huggss. X
17 months ago

©UdoSm said:

Must be a hard life in this area...
17 months ago

Léopold said:

The kind of risky bridge for people looking for strong sensations !
17 months ago

Stephan Fey said:

So kind of you, Diana! HFF! Thats very interesting. Have a great weekend.
17 months ago

Günter Klaus said:

Das ist auch eine sehr interessante und schöne Aufnahme dieser 4 Wächter liebe Diana,das hast du sehr schön gezeigt :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Nachmittag,ganz liebe Grüße Güni :))
17 months ago ( translate )

Malik Raoulda said:

Remarquable et excellente capture joliment partagée avec cette magnifique combinaison d'ombre et de lumière.
Bonne et agréable journée.
17 months ago ( translate )

Keith Burton said:

I lovely capture of these guardians of the bridge.............it sounds like it's an endless task.
17 months ago

William Sutherland said:

Awesome capture! HFF! Stay well!

Admired in: www.ipernity.com/group/tolerance
17 months ago

Patrick Brandy said:

De bonne personnes beau cadrage bonne soirée.
17 months ago ( translate )

Steve Paxton said:

What a Job, great area I hope one of peace. HFF hope you have a great weekend.
17 months ago

Loose_Grip/Pete said:

Raiders of the Lost Ark country!!
HFF Diana. Have a great w/e.
17 months ago

Roger (Grisly) said:

A gang of nail bangers beautifully captured D
Crossing the bridge must be a never forgotten experience
HFF and a great weekend
17 months ago

Christa1004 said:

Is it snow in the background? And they are barefoot in their sandals! HFF Diana, it must have been an awesome trip for you.
17 months ago

Herb Riddle said:

Another great documentary of this area. Well done.

HFF, enjoy the weekend. Herb
17 months ago

Annemarie said:

wonderful image Diana

17 months ago ( translate )