
Fighting Dragons of Ara NGC6188



The EGG the dragons are fighting over

How do you like your Dragon eggs - Flipped NGC6164

I was given Carlos small rig Sharpstar 61EDPH II,ED Glass,APO,F5.9,Refractors,Aperture 61mm and a Primaluce SESTO SENSO Focuser which has an overall focal length of 275mm but depending which camera I put on it I can get 1100mm or 412 mm out of the same set up. I dont have short cables most of mine are 1.8m long i had three piled up on top but I was able to make two shorter ones for this rig.

To get balance I had to add a weight to the camera as I had to use my guide scope which is bigger and more front heavier than Carlos one. As the Computer is under the front I also had to add a small wire to tie up the front to make sure it was all stable.

DSC 8603ps

Has not gone without problems the Focuser had a change of Drivers 3 times so I was always behind and having to calibrate each night. I am now up to date and I know what the problem is if it happens again.

This is a 2 shot panorama horizontal in the shot 3 nights each panel so there is plenty of data in the shot this was interrupted by the day of big rain.

Sunset Storm

QHY183C -10 39 shots per nights per panel 3 nights each.
600 sec each shot.
Sharpstar 61EDPH II
Skywatcher NEQ 6 Pro Hypertuned
Guided PHD2, Nina
Pixinsight, Ps Lr.
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tiabunna said:

Another impressive image and, for once, I can visualise a match with the name! Just for interest, what is that central in the lower section? I guess possibly a reflection.
3 months ago

Steve Paxton replied to tiabunna:

Thank you I did forget that . The story goes the dragons are fighting over the EGG NGC 6164 below.

How do you like your Dragon eggs - Flipped NGC6164

I did forget to add the egg to the story. I am impressed with this little rig.
3 months ago

Diana Australis said:

How complex the process is…hats off to you Steve. Amazing photos
3 months ago

Steve Paxton replied to Diana Australis:

Has been a bit of chore this one just hope the gremlin are all worked out and back on track. this is one of my fav parts of the sky. Many thanks.
3 months ago

Don Sutherland said:

Fantastic series.
3 months ago ( translate )

Steve Paxton replied to Don Sutherland:

Thank you now that I can finally comment gremlins in the internet kept me getting comment on here. One of my fav areas of space you can see the name and the results match it.
3 months ago

Peter_Private_Box said:

Hi Steve,
I am as impressed as ever with all these photos!!
Great respect to you!!

Best wishes and a good weekend
3 months ago

Steve Paxton replied to Peter_Private_Box:

Thank you Peter I did set out to try and capture quality images much the same as my photos I guess you can say I set a high standard but one I grew up with. I am starting to enjoy the fruits of all those years and the results are easier to attain than you think.

I had a comment on the photo in our Facebook page of the camera set up all those wires. It only looks daunting when you know how it works they are very important and part of the task of taking the photo. I have been off here due to internet problems hope those are over the price of all the works out in the suburb.
3 months ago

Amelia said:

Everything you show us in space is just spectacular, Steve. Marvellous.
8 weeks ago

Steve Paxton replied to Amelia:

Thank you I set out to take quality photos of space as its not your usual place for photos. Glad you like the results I know most people this would go over there heads and not even know what they were looking at.
8 weeks ago

Chris Bowness said:

Superb work.
3 weeks ago ( translate )

Steve Paxton replied to Chris Bowness:

Thank you In enjoy bring to life the things we just can't see.
3 weeks ago