
Sunset Storm

I was working today with the understanding we were in for a fine day and no rain. I did not cover over the mount but for some cloth to cover it from the sun.

Small Rig

At about 12:30 I looked north dark clouds and rainfall, I took off as fast as I could to cover the mount and telescope at home. I had everything covered and about 2 hours later "whats that noise" the heavens opened up.

northern suburb's cars are drowned by the volume of water houses lost there ceilings and a lot of damage. The shot above is at sunset when the next shower is about to hit lightening and thunder all about I was out in the rain drops to get the shot. 33 Days since we had "ANY " rain fall but not in this volume..

This put paid to the idea of shooting the last night of the panorama I have been doing. for those technically minded this is a three shot freehand panorama with the 24mm lens.
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TOZ said:

Thats a great Image steve never seen a sunset rainbow nice one.
All the best TOZ
3 months ago

Steve Paxton replied to TOZ:

Sunset is 6:00pm this time of year for us I looked at the data on the shot 5:56pm. This is not my first Rainbow taken at this time the hard part is getting the rain and the hole in the clouds for the sun to have this effect. Glad you like the shot I am just happy I got home in time to cover the mount.
3 months ago

Don Sutherland said:

Awesome shot. I'm sorry to hear about the water damage in parts of the area. The U.S. had a number of flash flood events in recent days. Tallahassee, FL had its highest ever 2-day April rainfall just a few days ago.
3 months ago

Steve Paxton replied to Don Sutherland:

We in Australia have had mostly in the east huge rain falls that the big flat land cant cope with the volume. Its never a good thing to have too much rain in a very short time both place will be under a lot of pressure it's always a long road back to normality. hope the U.S. is able to get back on its feet I was happy I beat the rain.
3 months ago

Stephan Fey said:

3 months ago ( translate )

Steve Paxton replied to Stephan Fey:

Nice to capture these it ment me and camera getting a few drops but worth it. Glad the shot came out as well as it did myself.many thanks
3 months ago

Ulrich John said:

Great shot !
3 months ago

Steve Paxton replied to Ulrich John:

Thank you its always nice to get this kind of view.
3 months ago

Annemarie said:


Happy Friday Evening and weekend!
3 months ago ( translate )

Steve Paxton replied to Annemarie:

Thank you I hope for the clear weather to come back.
3 months ago

Peter Castell said:

A wonderful capture Steve, a dry day is unusual here
3 months ago ( translate )

Steve Paxton replied to Peter Castell:

We are the total opposite we don't get a lot of rain and kind of why was lulled into think it would be the same. I am just happy that I was able to get the telescope and mount covered before we got the rainfall we did. A nice bonus to get this shot.
3 months ago

Gudrun said:

This looks highly dramatic!
3 months ago ( translate )

Mikus said:

Grandios. Super.
3 months ago ( translate )

Patrick Brandy said:

Belle composition merci pour l'info bonne journée.
3 months ago ( translate )